Vendor: CompTIA
Certifications: CompTIA Certifications
Exam Code: PK0-005
Exam Name: CompTIA Project+ (2025)
Updated: Feb 23, 2025
Q&As: 310 ( View Details)
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While working with a contractor, the project manager identified a communication conflict. The contractor did not agree that there was an issue. Which of the following should the project manager and contractor review?
A. Scope of work
B. Request for proposal
C. Vendor rules of engagement
D. Project schedule
Correct Answer: C
The project manager and contractor should review the vendor rules of engagement, which are the guidelines and expectations for the communication and interaction between the project team and the contractor. The vendor rules of engagement can help to prevent or resolve communication conflicts by clarifying the roles and responsibilities, the frequency and mode of communication, the escalation process, the feedback mechanism, and the performance evaluation criteria of the contractor. The vendor rules of engagement are usually part of the contract or the procurement management plan. The vendor rules of engagement are different from the scope of work, which is the document that describes the work to be performed, the deliverables to be provided, and the acceptance criteria to be met by the contractor. The vendor rules of engagement are also different from the request for proposal, which is the document that solicits proposals from potential contractors by specifying the project requirements, evaluation criteria, and contract terms. The vendor rules of engagement are also different from the project schedule, which is the tool that displays the planned start and finish dates, durations, dependencies, and resources of the project activities and tasks. References: CompTIA Project+ Study Guide: Exam PK0-005, 3rd Edition, Chapter 12: Procurement Management; CompTIA Project+ Certification Study Guide, 3rd Edition, Chapter 12: Procurement Management; Vendor Rules of Engagement
Which of the following statements best represents a network issue?
A. The development team on the fourth floor is unable to access servers and email services.
B. Cell phones served by a specific telecom company are getting a "no service" message.
C. A user cannot connect to Wi-Fi because of a wrong ID or password.
D. A user is receiving an automatic reply message saying that an email address does not exist.
Correct Answer: A
Network issues often prevent users from accessing essential resources like servers and email services. The development team's inability to access these services suggests a network issue, consistent with CompTIA Project+ knowledge of IT infrastructure management.
During a kickoff call, a project was rejected by the legal department due to the risk of violating new legislation. Which of the following was applied?
A. Awareness of the local environment
B. Awareness of the brand value
C. Awareness of the resource constraints
D. Awareness of the company's mission
Correct Answer: A
Awareness of the local environment refers to the understanding of the external factors that may affect the project, such as legal, regulatory, social, cultural, economic, and environmental aspects. In this case, the legal department applied this
awareness to identify the potential risk of violating new legislation and rejected the project accordingly. This shows that the legal department was concerned about the compliance and reputation of the organization and the project in the local
CompTIA Project+ Study Guide: Exam PK0-005, 3rd Edition, Chapter 1: Project Management Concepts, page 17; Incorporating environmentalism into project management, Abstract and Definition of Terms sections.
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