1.If you want to register an pass4itsure.com account, click "Register" on top right corner on our website to become a member of pass4itsure.com.
2. If you have registered before you can click "login" directly
3. After you "Register" or "Login" successfully, you can choose to be forwarded to the "My Account" or "Home Page".
4. Enter a term in the Search bar/try to click the "Certifications" or "Products" to find the subject which you need, and then click the button "Add to cart" to add our product to the cart.
5. In this page, please confirm the quantity and coupon code carefully. Then, you should click the button "Continue Checkout".
6. In this page, please confirm the order information then click the button "Continue Checkout"
7. You will be redirected to PayPal platform automatically, and we will not request any important information from you. (Using PayPal account or credit card such as Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Card and JCB to purchase it directly.)
After you complete your payment, we will send the exam in pdf format to you in 10 hours. In our non-working time, we will send the exam to you ASAP, no later than 24 hours.
1.Enter a term in the Search bar/try to click the "Certifications" or "Products" to find the subject which you need, and then click the button "Add to cart" to add our product to the cart.
2.In this page, please confirm the quantity and coupon code carefully. Then, you should click the button "PayPal". (Please pay attention to this button)
3.You will be redirected to PayPal platform automatically, and we will not request any important information from you. (Using PayPal account or credit card such as Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Card and JCB to purchase it directly.)
4.After you complete your payment, we will send the exam in pdf format to you in 10 hours. In our non-working time, we will send the exam to you ASAP, no later than 24 hours.