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Certifications: The Open Group Certifications
Exam Code: OG0-092
Exam Name: TOGAF 9 Part 2
Updated: Jan 02, 2025
Q&As: 75
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Scenario: MegaMart
Case Study Title (Case Study):
MegaMart is a Retail Chain which has expanded throughout India and the Far East.
The CEO and CIO decide that there is a crying need to put an Enterprise Architecture in place to realize
MegaMart's strategy to expand its revenue and diversify. The CIO has evaluated and decided to go in for
TOGAF9 and adapt it to his enterprise requirements.
The Preliminary and Vision Phase have been completed.
As such very few architectural artifacts exist and the target architecture as of now is not very clear. As the
Lead Architect how would you guide your team of architects for the Business Architecture definition?
A. In the first iteration start with the definition of the Target Business Architecture using a Top down Approach. Then keep on iterating in Phase B till the Target Business Architecture is refined before going to Phase C and Phase D. After Phase C and Phase D are over, iterate again to Phase B and define the baseline Business Architecture, analyze the gaps finalize the Architecture Definitions documents and proceed to
Phase C and Phase D.
B. In the first iteration start with the definition of the Baseline Business Architecture using a Top Down approach. Define the Architecture Definition document after analyzing the impacts and reviewing with the stakeholders. Then proceed to Phase C and Phase D. In the next iteration finalize the Target Business Architecture and proceed to Phase C and Phase D.
C. In the first iteration start with the definition of the Baseline Business Architecture using a Bottom Up approach. Define the Architecture Definition document after analyzing the impacts and reviewing with the stakeholders'. Proceed to Phase C and Phase D. In the next iteration finalize the Target Business Architecture, determine the gaps and the roadmap, and the impact and update the Architecture Definition document. after analyzing the impacts and reviewing with the stakeholders. Then proceed with the iteration.
D. In the first iteration start with the definition of the Target Business Architecture using a Top Down approach. Define the Architecture Definition document after analyzing the impacts and reviewing with the stakeholders proceed to Phase C and Phase D. In the next iteration finalize the Baseline Business Architecture, determine the gaps and the roadmap, and the impact and update the Architecture Definition document. After analyzing the impacts and reviewing with the stakeholders. Then proceed with the iteration.
Correct Answer: C
Patterns and Co. is introducing a Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) Market Analytics solution in order to improve its new delivery service.
Patterns and Co. has a mature enterprise architecture capability and the CIO is the sponsor of the enterprise architecture team. The business vision and requirements for the new system are defined. It includes a detailed business process analysis. The supplier has proposed a solution but the Architecture Board identified some of the project requirements not consistent with the adopted infrastructure standards. The CIO considered the risks and approved the implementation. The CIO has asked the EA team to execute the Phase G ensuring that the system performance KPIs are respected, the project remains within budget and security guidelines are met. Refer to the scenario above As Lead Enterprise Architect you have to recommend a plan to implement the CIO decision. Choose the best answer according to TOGAF 9.
Choose one of the following answers
A. You ask the supplier to modify the web server hardware and software components so they can meet the current infrastructure standards. You advise to execute a proof of concept to anticipate any coding issue. Then, after the agreement with the development leads for supporting the development, you will provide the project plan to the project manager and develop an Architecture Contract. A set of frequent operational reviews to monitor the solution's performance is then scheduled after the implementation is completed.
B. You recommend the co-existence of a second web server standard and modify the company Standards Information Base adding this new technology.You ask the project architects to create an Architecture Contract with the development teams. You identify the need of a performance testing and a compliance review You agree with the business on SLA and delivery dates. You identify re-usable procedures and objects.
C. You eliminate the non-standard web server from the solution as recommended by the Architecture Board. You create a revised plan and Architecture Contract for the development stressing the re-use of standard technologies. You share the budget implication of this solution with a finance committee and inform the CIO of the long term cost benefits of this choice. You define periodical project management meetings to monitor compliance.
D. You execute a risk analysis and set deliverables and timing requirements with the development team. You implement a detailed impact analysis of the chosen solution. You create an Architecture Contract and ask for the CIO's approval before implementing it. You test the solution just prior to implementation and deliver the project artifacts and store after the completion of the implementation.
Correct Answer: B
RIG Networks, a global network supplier is implementing a massive replacement of its supply chain to reduce production cost of their new LTE (Long Term Evolution) gateways. As part of this renovation process the CIO decided to replace their ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system using a greenfield approach (where the legacy ERP system will be decommissioned). The CIO engaged a team of TOGAF 9 certified consultants to design the solution, he then identified the suppliers and asked you as Chief Architect to supervise the definition of the Architecture Design and Development Contract.
Refer to the scenario above
You now need to write the Architecture Design and Development Contract, identify how you would o this following TOGAF 9.
Choose one of the following answers
A. You would define the Architecture Design and Development Contract with : introduction and background, the nature of the agreement, scope of the architecture, architecture and strategic principles and requirements, conformance requirements, Target Architecture Measures, Define phases of deliverables, Prioritized joint workplan, Time window, Architecture delivery and business metrics.
B. You would define the Architecture Design and Development Contract with : introduction and background, the nature of the agreement, scope of the architecture, architecture and strategic principles and requirements, conformance requirements, Baseline Architecture definition, Target Architecture Measures, Define phases of deliverables, Prioritized joint workplan, Time window, Architecture delivery and business metrics.
C. You would define the Architecture Design and Development Contract with : Target Architecture Measures, Define phases of deliverables, Prioritized joint workplan, Time window, Architecture delivery
and business metrics.
D. You would define the Architecture Design and Development Contract with : scope, goals, objectives and constraints, Architecture Principles, Baseline Architecture, Architecture Models, Gap Analysis, Impact Assessment.
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