Vendor: CompTIA
Certifications: CompTIA Certifications
Exam Code: CV0-004
Exam Name: CompTIA Cloud+
Updated: Feb 17, 2025
Q&As: 285 ( View Details)
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A company has decided to scale its e-commerce application from its corporate datacenter to a commercial cloud provider to meet an anticipated increase in demand during an upcoming holiday.
The majority of the application load takes place on the application server under normal conditions. For this reason, the company decides to deploy additional application servers into a commercial cloud provider using the on-premises
orchestration engine that installs and configures common software and network configurations.
The remote computing environment is connected to the on-premises datacenter via a site-to-site IPSec tunnel. The external DNS provider has been configured to use weighted round-robin routing to load balance connections from the Internet.
During testing, the company discovers that only 20% of connections completed successfully.
Review the network architecture and supporting documents and fulfill these requirements:
Part 1:
Analyze the configuration of the following components: DNS, Firewall 1, Firewall 2, Router 1, Router 2, VPN and Orchestrator Server.
Identify the problematic device(s).
Part 2:
Identify the correct options to provide adequate configuration for hybrid cloud architecture.
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Part 1:
Cloud Hybrid Network Diagram
Part 2:
Only select a maximum of TWO options from the multiple choice question
A. Update the PSK (Pre-shared key) in Router 2.
B. Update the A record on the DNS from to
C. Promote deny All to allow All in Firewall 1 and Firewall 2.
D. Change the Address Space on Router 2.
E. Change internal IP Address of Router 1.
F. Reverse the Weight property in the two CNAME records on the DNS.
G. Add the Application Server at on-premises to the Load Balancer.
Correct Answer: AD
Part 1: Router 2
The problematic device is Router 2, which has an incorrect configuration for the IPSec tunnel. The IPSec tunnel is a secure connection between the on-premises datacenter and the cloud provider, which allows the traffic to flow between the
two networks. The IPSec tunnel requires both endpoints to have matching parameters, such as the IP addresses, the pre-shared key (PSK), the encryption and authentication algorithms, and the security associations (SAs) .
According to the network diagram and the configuration files, Router 2 has a different PSK and a different address space than Router 1. Router 2 has a PSK of "1234567890", while Router 1 has a PSK of "0987654321". Router 2 has an
address space of, while Router 1 has an address space of These mismatches prevent the IPSec tunnel from establishing and encrypting the traffic between the two networks. The other devices do not have any
obvious errors in their configuration. The DNS provider has two CNAME records that point to the application servers in the cloud provider, with different weights to balance the load. The firewall rules allow the traffic from and to the application
servers on port 80 and port 443, as well as the traffic from and to the VPN server on port 500 and port 4500. The orchestration server has a script that installs and configures the application servers in the cloud provider, using the DHCP server
to assign IP addresses.
Part 2:
The correct options to provide adequate configuration for hybrid cloud architecture are:
Update the PSK (Pre-shared key) in Router 2.
Change the Address Space on Router 2.
These options will fix the IPSec tunnel configuration and allow the traffic to flow between the on-premises datacenter and the cloud provider. The PSK should match the one on Router 1, which is "0987654321". The address space should also
match the one on Router 1, which is
A company hosts various containerized applications for business uses. A client reports that one of its routine business applications fails to load the web-based login prompt hosted in the company cloud.
Click on each device and resource. Review the configurations, logs, and characteristics of each node in the architecture to diagnose the issue. Then, make the necessary changes to the WAF configuration to remediate the issue.
A. See the below for solution.
B. PlaceHolder
C. PlaceHolder
D. PlaceHolder
Correct Answer: A
From the image, it's noticeable that some finance application rules are set to "Block" traffic. If the client's issue is with a finance-related application not loading the login prompt, these rules could be the cause.
The rule with ID 1005, labeled "Finance application 1", is configured to allow access to "webapp1" for finance-related paths. However, rule 1006, labeled "Finance application 2", is set to block access to "webapp1" for login-related paths. To
remediate the issue based on the WAF configuration you have provided, you would want to:
Ensure that the correct paths to the finance application are allowed through the WAF.
Modify any rules that are incorrectly blocking access to the application. If the client's problem is specifically with the login prompt, then rule 1006 seems the most likely culprit. Changing the action from "Block" to "Allow" for rule 1006 could
potentially resolve the client's issue. The rule should be carefully reviewed and updatedto ensure legitimate traffic is not being blocked while still protecting against unauthorized access.
A cloud engineer needs to determine a scaling approach for a payroll-processing solution that runs on a biweekly basis. Given the complexity of the process, the deployment to each new VM takes about 25 minutes to get ready.
Which of the following would be the best strategy?
A. Horizontal
B. Scheduled
C. Trending
D. Event
Correct Answer: B
For a biweekly payroll-processing solution that takes a significant amount of time to deploy to each new VM, the best scaling strategy is Scheduled scaling. This strategy involves preparing new instances in advance of when they are needed based on a known schedule, which in this case is the biweekly payroll process. By scheduling the scaling actions in advance, the cloud engineer ensures that the resources are ready when needed without incurring extra costs for running them all the time. References: CompTIA Cloud+ Study Guide (V0-004) by Todd Montgomery and Stephen Olson
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