The administrator is tasked with manually reconfiguring LLT heartbeats over UDP.
Which two requirements must be met to make this possible? (Select two.)
A. The LLT private links must be on the same subnet.
B. Each NIC must have an IP address configured before configuring LLT.
C. The VRTSvcsudp package must be installed.
D. Each link must have a unique, not well-known UDP port.
E. The /etc/llttab file must be renamed to /etc/llttab.udp.
Which resource type enables VCS to determine the status of service groups with only persistent resources?
A. GroupOnOff
B. Phantom
C. Proxy
D. ResOnOff
To install secure Veritas Cluster Server, which component must be installed in the environment?
What are requirements for configuring I/O Fencing? (Choose two.)
A. Veritas Volume Manager Dynamic Multi-Pathing
B. Shared storage devices that support SCSI-3 Persistent Reservations
C. A minimum of three LLT heartbeat connections
D. A quorum disk on each system in the cluster
E. Veritas Volume Manager 4.0 or later
Refer to the following service group example:
group websg (
SystemList = { sym1 = 0, sym2 = 1 }
AutoStart = 0
AutoStartList = { sym2 }
DiskGroup webdg (
DiskGroup = webdg
IP webip (
Device = eth0
Address = ""
NetMask = ""
Mount webmnt (
MountPoint = "/web1"
BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/webdg/webvol" FSType = vxfs MountOpt = rw FsckOpt = "-y" ) NIC webnic ( Device = eth0 ) Application webproc ( MonitorProgram = "/usr/local/bin/web -monitor" StartProgram = "/usr/local/bin/web -start" StopProgram = "/usr/local/bin/web -stop" ) webip requires webproc webproc requires webmnt webip requires webnic webmnt requires webdg Which resource will start online last?
A. webip
B. webmnt
C. webproc
D. webdg
When architecting Coordination Point (CP) server into a Veritas Cluster Server (VCS) environment, what should be done to ensure the CP service remains online?
A. configure multiple CP server instances on the same node
B. configure CP server as a resource in a VCS cluster
C. ensure that the CP server is backed up regularly
D. ensure that the CP server is on a reliable network
The failover service group named websg is FROZEN and is ONLINE/PARTIAL in a two- node cluster. The power is unplugged from the system on which websg is ONLINE/PARTIAL.
Consider the configuration file below:
group wewbsg (
SystemList = { sym1 = 1, sym2 = 2 }
AutoFailover = 1
AutoStartList = { sym1, sym2 }
Parallel = 0)
What will be the state of websg on the surviving system?
A. AutoDisabled
The hastatus command shows the systems are in STALE_ADMIN_WAIT. What causes this?
A. The configuration was not closed before restarting HAD.
B. There is a syntax error in the configuration file.
C. There is a main.stale file in the configuration directory.
D. The is different on the systems in the cluster.
Which process must be running on the installation server to use the webinstaller for Symantec Cluster Server via a web browser?
A. xprtld
B. xprtlwid
C. vxsvcd
D. vxwebsvcd
Where are configured Veritas Cluster Server triggers found using $VCS_HOME as the main Veritas Cluster Server directory?
B. $VCS_HOME/bin
C. $VCS_HOME/triggers
D. $VCS_HOME/bin/triggers