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USMLE-STEP-2 Online Practice Questions and Answers

Questions 4

A26-year-old man presents with a hard, painless testicular mass. At operation, frozen section reveals testicular cancer. Which of the following is a risk factor?

What serum marker can be used to monitor therapy?

A. carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)

B. human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)

C. sedimentation rate

D. lactic dehydrogenase (LDH)

E. prostate-specific antigen (PSA)

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Questions 5

A 48-year-old man complains of fatigue and shortness of breath. His hematocrit is 32% and hemoglobin is

10.3 g/100 mL. Peripheral blood smear reveals macrocytosis. His serum vitamin B12 level is 90 pg/mL (normal, 170940); serum folate level is 6 ng/mL (normal, 214). Which of the following is the most likely cause of this patient's symptoms?

A. poor dietary habits

B. colonic diverticulosis

C. regional enteritis

D. chronic constipation

E. vagotomy

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Questions 6

A 31-year-old primigravida develops gestational diabetes mellitus and is managed appropriately during pregnancy. She asks you about the consequences of gestational diabetes to her and her fetus. Which one of the following statements is correct?

A. The risk of fetal anomalies is increased.

B. The risk of stillbirth is increased if her fasting blood sugars are elevated.

C. The risk of a growth-restricted newborn is increased.

D. Insulin is the preferred treatment to maintain euglycemia.

E. The risk of fetal macrosomia is not increased with gestational diabetes.

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Questions 7

A 44-year-old woman had a normal Pap smear 3 years ago. Her menstrual periods occur monthly and last 5 days. She has had intermenstrual and postcoital spotting intermittently for the past 6 months. The pelvic examination is normal. All tests performed on the woman were normal. She returns 1 year later for her annual gynecologic examination. On speculum examination, she has a visible 7-mm lesion on her cervix that bleeds on contact. Which of the following is the most appropriate procedure to perform?

A. colposcopy

B. cervical biopsy

C. Pap smear

D. conization of the cervix

E. vaginal hysterectomy

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Questions 8

A 44-year-old man presents with fears that his mathematical abilities have been slowly sucked out of his brain for the last 4 years. He believes an "alien force disguised as a human being" is responsible. To avoid contacting this being, he has isolated himself in a room in a boarding house. His wife divorced him and left with their children. After 10 years teaching math at a local high school, he resigned about 3 years ago. He supports himself by "collecting cans." His affect is blunted. His appearance is disheveled, unshaven, and unwashed. Which of the following hypotheses is the leading hypothesis to explain the patient's psychotic symptoms?

A. serotonin hypothesis

B. biogenic amine hypothesis

C. acetylcholine hypothesis

D. dopamine hypothesis

E. gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) hypothesis

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Questions 9

A 58-year-old woman with a history of chronic paranoid schizophrenia, who has been continuously treated with antipsychotics for the past 20 years, lives in a community-based residential facility. She has recently suffered an increase in auditory hallucinations, and her haloperidol dose has been increased from 2.5 to 10 mg/day. Four days later, she is brought by a visiting nurse to the emergency room, where she presents with confusion, marked flexor and extensor rigidity in her legs and arms, and a temperature of 103.5°F. Her blood pressure is160/120 mmHg, her pulse is 120/min and irregular. Which of the following is the most important laboratory test to evaluate the possibility of the diagnosis?

A. serum creatine phosphokinase (CPK) level

B. serum sodium level

C. serum potassium level

D. serum glucose level

E. serum calcium level

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Questions 10

A55-year-old man presents to the physician's office complaining of upper abdominal pain of 2 months' duration. The pain is described as gnawing, localized to the upper midline, and associated with nausea. The pain is exacerbated by food, and there is an associated 20-lb weight loss over 2 months. His past history is pertinent for a 30 pack-year smoking history, occasional alcohol intake, and a prior history of a benign gastric ulcer 5 years ago. Physical examination reveals normal vital signs, mild epigastric pain with deep palpation, and mildly hemepositive stool. An evaluation for recurrence of a gastric ulcer is recommended. In this patient, a benign gastric ulcer was found, and he was placed on a proton-pump inhibitor and triple antibiotics for Helicobacter pylori. He returns to the physician's office 3 months later with similar complaints and, on re-evaluation, the gastric ulcer was found to persist. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?

A. a second trial of proton-pump inhibitors with triple antibiotics and re-evaluation in 2 months

B. a trial of H2 blockers with triple antibiotics and re-evaluation in 2 months

C. a trial of sucralfate and re-evaluation in 2 months

D. surgical management

E. a trial of prostaglandins and re-evaluation in 2 months

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Questions 11

For each newborn with vomiting and illustrated radiographs, select the most likely diagnosis. Aneonate with bile-stained vomiting, abdominal distention, dilated loops of bowel on plain radiographs, and a small-caliber colon on contrast enema

A. congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis

B. annular pancreas

C. duodenal atresia

D. midgut volvulus

E. intussusception

F. imperforate anus

G. Meckel's diverticulum

H. meconium ileus

I. Hirschsprung's disease

J. jejunal atresia

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Questions 12

Schedules for the routine immunization of young children are developed jointly by the Advisory Commission on Immunization Practices (a federal commission) and the American Academy of Pediatrics. Which of the following vaccines is recommended for routine vaccination for all children in the United States?

A. anthrax vaccine

B. rabies vaccine

C. Haemophilus influenzae b (Hib) vaccine

D. hepatitis A vaccine

E. typhoid vaccine

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Questions 13

A dentist asks you to evaluate a 42-year-old woman before tooth extraction. Which of the following would prompt you to prescribe prophylactic antibiotics?

A. midsystolic click at the left sternal border

B. insulin-dependent diabetes

C. a prior history of infective endocarditis

D. a history of congestive heart failure

E. S4 gallop

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Exam Code: USMLE-STEP-2
Exam Name: United States Medical Licensing Step 2
Last Update: Mar 04, 2025
Questions: 738
10%OFF Coupon Code: SAVE10





