Vendor: Amazon
Certifications: Amazon Certifications
Exam Code: SCS-C02
Exam Name: AWS Certified Security - Specialty (SCS-C02)
Updated: Feb 12, 2025
Q&As: 816 ( View Details)
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You have a web site that is sitting behind IAM Cloudfront. You need to protect the web site against threats such as SQL injection and Cross site scripting attacks. Which of the following service can help in such a scenario
Please select:
A. IAM Trusted Advisor
C. IAM Inspector
D. IAM Config
Correct Answer: B
The IAM Documentation mentions the following IAM WAF is a web application firewall that helps detect and block malicious web requests targeted at your web applications. IAM WAF allows you to create rules that can help protect against common web exploits like SQL injection and cross-site scripting. With IAM WAF you first identify the resource (either an Amazon CloudFront distribution or an Application Load Balancer) that you need to protect. Option A is invalid because this will only give advise on how you can better the security in your IAM account but not protect against threats mentioned in the question. Option C is invalid because this can be used to scan EC2 Instances for vulnerabilities but not protect against threats mentioned in the question. Option D is invalid because this can be used to check config changes but not protect against threats mentioned in the quest For more information on IAM WAF, please visit the following URL:; The correct answer is: IAM WAF Submit your Feedback/Queries to our Experts
A company has enabled Amazon GuardDuty in all Regions as part of its security monitoring strategy. In one of the VPCs, the company hosts an Amazon EC2 instance working as an FTP server that is contacted by a high number of clients from multiple locations. This is identified by GuardDuty as a brute force attack due to the high number of connections that happen every hour.
The finding has been flagged as a false positive. However, GuardDuty keeps raising the issue. A Security Engineer has been asked to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. The Engineer needs to ensure that changes do not compromise the visibility of potential anomalous behavior.
How can the Security Engineer address the issue?
A. Disable the FTP rule in GuardDuty in the Region where the FTP server is deployed
B. Add the FTP server to a trusted IP list and deploy it to GuardDuty to stop receiving the notifications
C. Use GuardDuty filters with auto archiving enabled to close the findings
D. Create an IAM Lambda function that closes the finding whenever a new occurrence is reported
Correct Answer: B
Trusted IP lists consist of IP addresses that you have whitelisted for secure communication with your IAM infrastructure and applications. GuardDuty does not generate findings for IP addresses on trusted IP lists. At any given time, you can
have only one uploaded trusted IP list per IAM account per region.
A company developed an application by using AWS Lambda, Amazon S3, Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS), and Amazon DynamoDB. An external application puts objects into the company's S3 bucket and tags the objects with date and time. A Lambda function periodically pulls data from the company's S3 bucket based on date and time tags and inserts specific values into a DynamoDB table for further processing.
The data includes personally identifiable information (Pll). The company must remove data that is older than 30 days from the S3 bucket and the DynamoDB table.
Which solution will meet this requirement with the MOST operational efficiency?
A. Update the Lambda function to add a TTL S3 flag to S3 objects. Create an S3 Lifecycle policy to expire objects that are older than 30 days by using the TTL S3 flag.
B. Create an S3 Lifecycle policy to expire objects that are older than 30 days. Update the Lambda function to add the TTL attribute in the DynamoDB table. Enable TTL on the DynamoDB table to expire entires that are older than 30 days based on the TTL attribute.
C. Create an S3 Lifecycle policy to expire objects that are older than 30 days and to add all prefixes to the S3 bucket. Update the Lambda function to delete entries that are older than 30 days.
D. Create an S3 Lifecycle policy to expire objects that are older than 30 days by using object tags. Update the Lambda function to delete entries that are older than 30 days.
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