A Tableau Server Creator developed a workbook using Tableau Desktop 2019.2, and published the workbook to Tableau Server 2020.3. The next day, the user cannot find the workbook file on his local machine, and so he downloads the workbook again from Tableau Server 2020.3 to perform some updates. Will he be able to open the workbook using Tableau Desktop 2019.2? (Assume that no one else edited the workbook on Tableau Server, or republished the workbook again)
A. Yes
B. No
Select all the ways in which you can view your Tableau Server's process status:
A. In the TSM CLI, using the command tsm proc-status
B. In the TSM CLI, using the command tsm status -v
C. In the TSM Status page in the web UI
D. In the Tableau Server Status page in the web UI
Several cloud-hosted data sources always require extracts. Select all the listed data sources below that have this requirement:
A. Open Data Protocol (OData)
B. Salesforce.com
C. Google Analytics
D. Snowflake
Which Tableau Server process is being described?
This is a web server that handles all requests to Tableau Server from browsers, Tableau Desktop, and other clients.
A. Gateway
B. Application Server
C. Ask Data
D. Backgrounder
True or False:
If the server is configured to use Active Directory for authentication, user passwords are managd by Active Directory, so you can leave the password field in the CSV file blank when importing the users.
Which protocol does the Tableau Server REST API use to manage and change Tableau Server resources programmatically?
Select all of the relevant metadata that is contained inside a Tableau Server published data source:
A. Connection information (live vs. extract)
B. Formula calculations
C. Sets and groups
D. Data access and refresh instructions
E. Custom field formatting
F. Custom shapes and logos inside a workbook
True or False: Even if you have already entered the trusted web servers when configuring Trusted Authentication, you must still verify that the IP addresses or host names are entered correctly
True or False: After setting a configuration key value using the 'tsm configuration set command', Tableau Server will automatically update the configuration of your deployment