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SALESFORCE-SALES-REPRESENTATIVE Online Practice Questions and Answers

Questions 4

A sales representative has a prospect who is in discussions with multiple vendors about competing products. The sales rep is concerned the prospect might not remember the valuable benefits of the solution.

Which closure practice should the sales rep use to gain a commitment with this prospect?

A. Assumptive

B. Summary

C. Takeaway

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Questions 5

A sales representative plans to attend a large industry conference.

How can the sales rep ensure the largest return on investment for attending the conference?

A. Set up meet and greet opportunities with attendees.

B. Develop a targeted plan and coordinate a series of touchpoints.

C. Attend as many networking events as possible.

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Questions 6

Before a sales representative can close a deal, they are providing the deadlines, payment schedule agreement, and requirements of the engagement.

Which document is the sales rep preparing to finalize this deal?

A. Statement of work

B. New order form

C. Master service agreement

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Questions 7

A sales representative compiled research about a prospect. The sales rep is now ready to set up an initial collaboration session with the prospect.

Which session type should the sales rep hold with the prospect?

A. Negotiation

B. Renewal

C. Discovery

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Questions 8

How can a sales representative begin a confirming question?

A. "Tell me more about..."

B. "What I hear you saying is..."

C. "What do you mean when...'

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Questions 9

How should a sales representative identify and generate new additions to the pipeline?

A. Conduct product demos.

B. Provide customer support.

C. Attend industry conferences.

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Questions 10

A sales representative uses job titles as an indicator to qualify leads.

Which relevant information does the job title typically indicate about the lead to the sales rep?

A. Whether the lead is engaged in the sales process

B. Whether the lead is based within their region

C. Whether the lead has sufficient buying power

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Questions 11

A sales representative receives an objection and encourages the customer to elaborate on their hesitation and responses.

Which type of questions are they leveraging?

A. Change

B. Clarifying

C. Confirming

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Questions 12

What is the desired outcome of an upsell proposal?

A. To optimize existing product offerings

B. To decrease customer churn rate

C. To maintain current agreement during a renewal

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Questions 13

How should a sales representative use a client profile during the sales process?

A. To create messages that appeal to a broad audience

B. To build a standard message to maximize return on investment (ROI)

C. To tailor a message to meet a target audience's needs

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Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Sales Representative
Last Update: Jun 24, 2024
Questions: 65
10%OFF Coupon Code: SAVE10





