Vendor: SOA
Certifications: Certified SOA Architect
Exam Code: S90.09
Exam Name: SOA Design & Architecture Lab
Updated: Feb 17, 2025
Q&As: 40 ( View Details)
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The architecture for Service A displayed in the Figure shows how the core logic of Service A has expanded over time to connect to a database and a proprietary legacy system (1) and to support two separate service contracts (2) that are accessed by different service consumers.
The service contracts are fully decoupled from the service logic. The service logic is therefore coupled to the service contracts and to the underlying implementation resources (the database and the legacy system).
Service A currently has three service consumers. Service Consumer A and Service Consumer B access Service A's two service contracts (3, 4). Service Consumer C bypasses the service contracts and accesses the service logic directly (5).
You are told that the database and legacy system that are currently being used by Service A are being replaced with different products. The two service contracts are completely decoupled from the core service logic, but there is still a concern that the introduction of the new products will cause the core service logic to behave differently than before. What steps can be taken to change the Service A architecture in preparation for the introduction of the new products so that the impact on Service Consumers A, B, and C is minimized?
A. The Service Abstraction principle can be applied to hide the implementation details from the core service logic of Service A, thereby shielding this logic from changes to the implementation. In support of this, the Service Facade pattern can be applied to position Facade components between the core service logic and Service Consumers A and B. These Facade components will be designed to regulate the behavior of Service A . The Contract Centralization pattern can be applied to force Service Consumer C to access Service A via one of its existing service contracts.
B. A third service contract can be added together with the application of the Contract Centralization pattern. This will force Service Consumer C to access Service A via the new service contract. The Service Facade pattern can be applied to position a Facade component between the new service contract and Service Consumer C in order to regulate the behavior of Service A . The Service Abstraction principle can be applied to hide the implementation details of Service A so that no future
service consumers are designed to access any of Service A's underlying resources directly.
C. The Service Facade pattern can be applied to position Facade components between the core service logic and the two service contracts. These Facade components will be designed to regulate the behavior of Service A . The Contract Centralization pattern can also be applied to force Service Consumer C to access Service A via one of its existing service contracts.
D. None of the above.
Correct Answer: C
Service Consumer A invokes Service A (1). The logic within Service A is required to retrieve three independent data values from Services B, C, and D and to then return these data values back to Service Consumer A.
To accomplish this, Service A begins by sending a request message to Service B (2). After receiving a response message with the first data value from Service B, Service A sends a request message to Service C (3). After it receives a response message with the second data value from Service C, Service A then sends a request message to Service D (4). Upon receiving a response message with the third data value from Service D. Service A finally sends its own response message (containing all three collected data values) back to Service Consumer A.
Service Consumer A and Service A reside in Service Inventory A. Service B and Service C reside in Service Inventory B. Service D is a public service that can be openly accessed via the World Wide Web. The service is also available for purchase so that it can be deployed independently within IT enterprises.
Due to the rigorous application of the Service Abstraction principle within Service Inventory B, the only information that is made available about Service B and Service C are the published service contracts. For Service D, the service contract plus a Service Level Agreement (SLA) are made available. The SLA indicates that Service D has a planned outage every night from 11 PM to midnight.
You are an architect with a project team building services for Service Inventory A . You are told that the owners of Service Inventory A and Service Inventory B are not generally cooperative or communicative. Cross-inventory service composition is tolerated, but not directly supported. As a result, no SLAs for Service B and Service C are available and you have no knowledge about how available these services are. Based on the service contracts you can determine that the services in Service Inventory B use different data models and a different transport protocol than the services in Service Inventory A. Furthermore, recent testing results have shown that the performance of Service D is highly unpredictable due to the heavy amount of concurrent access it receives from service consumers from other organizations. You are also told that there is a concern about how long Service Consumer A will need to remain stateful while waiting for a response from Service A . What steps can be taken to solve these problems?
A. The Event-Driven Messaging pattern is applied so that a subscriber-publisher relationship is established between Service Consumer A and Service A . This gives Service A the flexibility to provide its response to Service Consumer A whenever it is able to collect the three data values without having to require that Service Consumer A remain stateful. The Asynchronous Queuing pattern is applied so that a central messaging queue is positioned between Service A and Service B and between Service A and Service C . The Data Model Transformation and Protocol Bridging patterns are applied to enable communication between Service A and Service B and between Service A and Service C . The Redundant Implementation pattern is applied so that a copy of Service D is brought in- house and made part of Service Inventory A.
B. The Asynchronous Queuing pattern is applied so that a central messaging queue is positioned between Service A and Service B and between Service A and Service C and so that a separate messaging queue is positioned between Service A and Service Consumer
C. The Data Model Transformation and Protocol Bridging patterns are applied to enable communication between Service A and Service B and between Service A and Service C . The Redundant Implementation pattern is applied so that a copy of Service D is brought in- house for fail-over purposes. The Legacy Wrapper pattern is further applied to wrap Service D with a standardized service contract that is in compliance with the design standards used in Service Inventory
A. This wrapper utility service first attempts to access the external service, but if that service is
unavailable it will access the redundant internal service instead.
D. The Reliable Messaging pattern is applied so that a system of acknowledgements is established between Service Consumer A and Service A . This gives Service A the flexibility to provide Service Consumer A with acknowledgements that indicate that the processing steps that are occurring between Service A and Service B, Service C, and Service D are progressing. The Asynchronous Queuing pattern is applied so that a central messaging queue is positioned between Service A and Service B and between Service A and Service C and between Service A and Service D . The Data Model Transformation and Protocol Bridging patterns are applied to enable communication between Service A and Service B and between Service A and Service C .
E. None of the above.
Correct Answer: B
You are an architect with a project team building services for Service Inventory A . You are told that no SLAs for Service B and Service C are available. You cannot determine how available these services will be, but it has been confirmed that both of these services support atomic transactions and the issuance of positive and negative acknowledgements. However, you also find out that the services in Service Inventory B use different data models than the services in Service Inventory A. Furthermore, recent testing results have shown that the performance of Service D is steady and reliable. However, Service D uses a different transport protocol than the services in Service Inventory A. The response time of Service A is not a primary concern, but Service Consumer A does need to be able to issue request messages to Service A 24 hours a day without disruption. What steps can be taken to fulfill these requirements?
A. The Event-Driven Messaging pattern is applied so that a subscriber-publisher relationship is established between Service Consumer A and Service A . This gives Service A the flexibility to provide its response to Service Consumer A whenever it is able to collect the three data values without having to require that Service Consumer A remain stateful. The Asynchronous Queuing pattern is applied so that a central messaging queue is positioned between Service A and Service B and between Service A and Service C . The Data Model Transformation and Protocol Bridging patterns are applied to enable communication between Service A and Service B and between Service A and Service C . The Service Autonomy principle is further applied to Service A in order to improve its overall runtime behavioral predictability.
B. The Reliable Messaging pattern is applied so that a system of acknowledgements is established between Service Consumer A and Service A . This gives Service A the flexibility to provide Service Consumer A with acknowledgements that indicate that the processing steps that are occurring between Service A and Service B, Service C, and Service D are progressing. The Asynchronous Queuing pattern is applied so that a central messaging queue is positioned between Service A and Service B and between Service A and Service C and between Service A and Service D . The Redundant Implementation pattern is applied so that a copy of Service D is brought in-Upon reviewing these requirements it becomes D with a standardized service contract that is in compliance with the design standards used in Service Inventory A.
C. The Asynchronous Queuing pattern is applied so that a central messaging queue is positioned between Service A and Service B and between Service A and Service C and between Service A and Service D and so that a separate messaging queue is positioned between Service A and Service Consumer A. The Data Model Transformation pattern is applied to enable communication between Service A and Service B and between Service A and Service C . The Protocol Bridging pattern is applied to enable communication between Service A and Service D .
D. None of the above.
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