Vendor: HRCI
Certifications: HRCI Certifications
Exam Code: PHR
Exam Name: Professional in Human Resources
Updated: Feb 13, 2025
Q&As: 165
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An organization would like to bid on a project, but they don't have enough employees available to complete the work. The organization approaches a competitor with the opportunity to partner on the project to win the work. What type of risk response is used in this instance?
A. Sharing
B. Mitigation
C. Enhancing
D. Transference
Correct Answer: A
This is an example of sharing as the organization is sharing the opportunity with another firm. Without the other firm's cooperation the company wouldn't be able to win the contract. Both parties share the risk and the reward for the work. Answer option C is incorrect. Enhancing is a positive risk event that aims to enhance the conditions that would make a positive risk event likely to occur. For example, a company could add more workers to a project to beat a deadline and win a bonus from the customer. Answer option D is incorrect. Transference is a negative risk response that transfers the risk to a third party, usually for a fee. Answer option B is incorrect. Mitigation is a risk response to reduce the probability and/ or impact of a negative risk event.
If a union wants to organize, it typically moves through five steps to the organizing process. Which step of union organization would require the union to collect at least 30 percent of signed authorization cards from employees?
A. Confirm interest
B. The campaign
C. Make a connection
D. Obtain recognition
Correct Answer: A
The confirm interest stage, the second of five phases to unionization, typically requires 30 percent of the employees to sign an authorization card. Some unions may seek 50 percent of authorization cards, in some instances.
Answer option C is incorrect. Make a connection is the first stage of the unionization process. This stage is to establish a connection, to determine if there is any interest in the forming or joining of a union.
Answer option D is incorrect. The obtain recognition stage, the third stage of the unionization process, is to gain recognition from the employer. This stage causes the employer to give the NLRB a list of names and addresses of employees
who are eligible to vote in the union certification election. Answer option B is incorrect. The campaign stage of the unionization process if the fourth step in preparation for the final stage, the election to determine unionization of the employees.
Which of the following are the key components of gainsharing? Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose three.
A. The organization and the employees share the financial gains.
B. If goals for improvements are met, employees and managers share the success.
C. Managers and employees provide their part of salary for charity.
D. Employees and management work together for reviewing organizational performance.
Correct Answer: ABD
The following are the key components of gainsharing:
1.Employees and management work together for reviewing organizational performance. 2.The organization and the employees share the financial gains. 3.If goals for improvements are met, employees and managers share the success.
Answer option C is incorrect. This is not the key component of gainsharing.
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