Vendor: Palo Alto Networks
Certifications: Palo Alto Networks Certifications
Exam Code: PCSFE
Exam Name: Palo Alto Networks Certified Software Firewall Engineer (PCSFE)
Updated: Feb 12, 2025
Q&As: 65 ( View Details)
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Which technology allows for granular control of east-west traffic in a software-defined network?
A. Routing
B. Microseqmentation
C. MAC Access Control List
D. Virtualization
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Microsegmentation is a technology that allows for granular control of east- west traffic in a software-defined network. Microsegmentation divides the network into smaller segments or zones based on application or workload characteristics, and applies security policies to each segment. This reduces the attack surface and prevents unauthorized access or lateral movement within the network. Routing, MAC Access Control List, and Virtualization are not technologies that provide microsegmentation, but they are related concepts that can be used in conjunction with microsegmentation. References: Palo Alto Networks Certified Software Firewall Engineer (PCSFE), [Microsegmentation with Palo Alto Networks], [Microsegmentation for Dummies]
How are Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation Firewalls (NGFWs) deployed within a Cisco ACI architecture?
A. SDN code hooks can help detonate malicious file samples designed to detect virtual environments.
B. Traffic can be automatically redirected using static address objects.
C. Service graphs are configured to allow their deployment.
D. VXLAN or NVGRE traffic is terminated and inspected for translation to VLANs.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation Firewalls (NGFWs) are deployed within a Cisco ACI architecture using service graphs. Service graphs are logical representations of how traffic flows through different network services, such as firewalls, load balancers, or routers. By configuring service graphs, you can insert NGFWs into the traffic path and apply security policies to the traffic. References: [Palo Alto Networks NGFW Integration with Cisco ACI]
What is a design consideration for a prospect who wants to deploy VM-Series firewalls in an Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment?
A. Special AWS plugins are needed for load balancing.
B. Resources are shared within the cluster.
C. Only active-passive high availability (HA) is supported.
D. High availability (HA) clusters are limited to fewer than 8 virtual appliances.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: A design consideration for a prospect who wants to deploy VM-Series firewalls in an Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment is that only active-passive high availability (HA) is supported. High availability (HA) is a feature that provides redundancy and failover protection for firewalls in case of hardware or software failure. Active-passive HA is a mode of HA that consists of two firewalls in a pair, where one firewall is active and handles all traffic, while the other firewall is passive and acts as a backup. Active-passive HA is the only mode of HA that is supported for VM-Series firewalls in an AWS environment, due to the limitations of AWS networking and routing. Active-active HA, which is another mode of HA that consists of two firewalls in a pair that both handle traffic and synchronize sessions, is not supported for VM-Series firewalls in an AWS environment. A design consideration for a prospect who wants to deploy VM-Series firewalls in an AWS environment is not that special AWS plugins are needed for load balancing, resources are shared within the cluster, or high availability (HA) clusters are limited to fewer than 8 virtual appliances, as those are not valid or relevant factors for firewall deployment in an AWS environment. References: Palo Alto Networks Certified Software Firewall Engineer (PCSFE), [High Availability Overview], [High Availability on AWS]
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