Vendor: SAP
Certifications: SAP Certifications
Exam Code: P_SAPEA_2023
Exam Name: SAP Certified Professional - SAP Enterprise Architect
Updated: Feb 18, 2025
Q&As: 48 ( View Details)
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Which artifacts does SAP provide as part of the SAP Reference Business Architecture content?
A. Business Capability Model/Business Data Model/Business Role Model/Product Map
B. Business Process Model/Solution Process Model
C. Business Capability Model/Business Process Model
Correct Answer: C
The SAP Reference Business Architecture content provides a set of artifacts that can be used to describe the business architecture of an organization. These artifacts include:
Business Capability Model: This model describes the capabilities that an organization needs to have in order to achieve its business goals. Business Process Model: This model describes the processes that an organization uses to deliver its
products and services.
Business Data Model: This model describes the data that an organization uses to support its business processes.
Business Role Model: This model describes the roles that people play in an organization.
Product Map: This map shows how the different products and services that an organization offers are related to each other.
The SAP Reference Business Architecture content is a valuable resource for organizations that are looking to improve their business architecture. It provides a common language and set of concepts that can be used to describe the business
architecture of an organization. However, it is important to note that the SAP Reference Business Architecture content is just a starting point. Organizations will need to tailor the content to their specific needs.
Which integration styles does SAP's Integration Advisory Methodology (ISA-M) cover in general?
A. Process Integration/Data Integration/Analytics Integration/User Integration/Thing Integration.
B. Ul Integration/Process Integration/Data Integration/Thing Integration.
C. Cloud2Cloud/Cloud2OnPremise/Cloud2Cloud/User2On Premise/User2Cloud/Thing2On Premise/Thing2Cloud
Correct Answer: A
The Integration Advisory Methodology (ISA-M) is a framework that helps organizations to design, build, and manage their integration landscape. ISA-M covers a wide range of integration styles, including:
Process Integration: This style of integration involves the integration of business processes across different systems and applications. Data Integration: This style of integration involves the integration of data from different sources into a single
data repository. Analytics Integration: This style of integration involves the integration of data from different sources for the purpose of analytics.
User Integration: This style of integration involves the integration of user interfaces from different systems and applications.
Thing Integration: This style of integration involves the integration of things, such as sensors and actuators, with other systems and applications. ISA-M also includes a number of other integration styles, such as event-driven integration,
service-oriented integration, and enterprise application integration. By covering a wide range of integration styles, ISA-M provides organizations with a flexible framework that can be used to meet their specific integration needs. SAP's
Integration Solution Advisory Methodology (ISA-M) is a framework that helps enterprise architects to define and execute an integration strategy for their organization. ISA-M covers five integration styles that represent different aspects of
integration in a hybrid landscape. These integration styles are3:
Process Integration: This integration style enables end-to-end business processes across different applications and systems, such as SAP S/4HANA, SAP SuccessFactors, or third- party solutions. Process integration typically involves
orchestrating or choreographing multiple services or APIs to achieve a business outcome. Data Integration: This integration style enables data exchange and synchronization between different data sources and targets, such as SAP HANA,
SAP Data Warehouse Cloud, or third-party databases. Data integration typically involves extracting, transforming, and loading (ETL) data to support analytical or operational scenarios. Analytics Integration: This integration style enables data
visualization and exploration across different data sources and targets, such as SAP Analytics Cloud, SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform, or third-party tools. Analytics integration typically involves creating dashboards, reports, or stories to
provide insights and recommendations for decision making.
User Integration: This integration style enables user interaction and collaboration across different applications and systems, such as SAP Fiori Launchpad, SAP Jam, or third-party portals. User integration typically involves creating consistent
and seamless user experiences that integrate multiple UI technologies and frameworks. Thing Integration: This integration style enables device connectivity and management across different applications and systems, such as SAP IoT, SAP
Edge Services, or third- party platforms. Thing integration typically involves connecting physical devices or sensors to the cloud or the edge and enabling data ingestion, processing, and action.
With the lead to cash Business capabilities identified, as chief Enterprise Architect the Wanderlust CIO has asked your capabilities.
See Image,
The SAP enterprise Architect has shared the snapshot for your reference. What is the pertinent SAP Solution in the market to Lead Business Process module of the Lead to cash E2E Process
A. SAP Sales Cloud version 2
B. SAP Omnichannel Promotion Pricing
C. SAP customer data cloud
D. SAP Emarsys Customer engagement
Correct Answer: D
SAP Emarsys Customer Engagement is a cloud-based solution that helps businesses to create, manage, and deliver personalized marketing campaigns across multiple channels. It includes features for lead management, marketing
campaign management, and recommendation management.
The Lead Business Process Module of the Lead to Cash E2E Process is responsible for managing leads and converting them into customers. SAP Emarsys Customer Engagement can be used to automate the lead management process,
track lead progress, and identify opportunities for cross selling and upselling. The other three options, SAP Sales Cloud version 2, SAP Omnichannel Promotion Pricing, and SAP Customer Data Cloud, are not as well-suited for the Lead
Business Process Module of the Lead to Cash E2E Process.
SAP Sales Cloud version 2 is a cloud-based solution that helps businesses to manage sales opportunities and close deals. It does not have the same features for lead management and marketing campaign management as SAP Emarsys
Customer Engagement.
SAP Omnichannel Promotion Pricing is a cloud-based solution that helps businesses to manage pricing and promotions across multiple channels. It does not have the same features for lead management and marketing campaign
management as SAP Emarsys Customer Engagement.
SAP Customer Data Cloud is a cloud-based solution that helps businesses to collect, store, and analyze customer data. It does not have the same features for lead management and marketing campaign management as SAP Emarsys
Customer Engagement.
Therefore, the best course of action is to use SAP Emarsys Customer Engagement to manage the Lead Business Process Module of the Lead to Cash E2E Process.
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