If the solution designer wishes to ensure that subscribing MQ applications receive message from a topic even if the subscribing MQ application is disconnected from the queue manager at the time the message is published, which action is required?
A. The publishing application must set the message as persistent.
B. The subscribing application must set the message as persistent.
C. The publishing application must set the subscription as durable.
D. The subscribing application must set the subscription as durable.
Which statement is TRUE regarding WebSphere MQ and message routing?
A. WebSphere MQ will lock for a consumer name in the message description (MQMD) header.
B. WebSphere MQ does not route based on the contents of the message body.
C. You can write an XPATH expression to tell WebSphere MQ how to route the message to the appropriate consumer.
D. WebSphere MQ will examine the message properties and route it to the appropriate consumer.
Which of the following is NOT a valid method of administration for WebSphere MQ v7?
A. WebSphere MQ Explorer
B. Integrated Solutions Console
C. Command-line
D. PCF commands
Which of the following MQ objects does NOT have cluster workload balancing attributes?
A. Queue
B. Topic
C. Channel
D. Queue manager
What commands are used to start and stop MQ tracing?
A. mqtrace and mqstop
B. trace and endtrace
C. strmqtrc and endmqtrc
D. traceon and traceoff
On distributed systems, to determine the access rights a user has to a WebSphere MQ object which entity most accurately describes where to look?
A. Access control lists
B. Objects authorities
C. Objects rights
D. Object privileges
What is the holding queue for messages that cannot be delivered to the destination queues?
A. Dead-letter queue
B. Backout queue
C. Transmission queue
D. Undeliverable messages are simply discarded from the system
What is the name of the MQMD field that a message producer uses to ensure that no consumers receive a message after a message has been on a destination queue for a specified period of time?
A. Timeout
B. Expiry
C. TimeToLive
D. MaxAge
Which topic string is NOT valid for a subscribing application to get all messages about fresh fruit if a topic tree exists with the following topic hierarchy: deli/fresh; deli/tinned/nuts; deli/tinned/meat?
A. deli
B. deli/+/fruit
C. deli/fresh/fruit
D. deli/#
Which of the following WebSphere MQ supported programming APIs is NOT portable to other messaging providers?
C. Web Service
D. Java