The saved runtime batch structure, containing document and pages for a particular batch, is called what?
A. The page file.
B. The Admin Database.
C. The task file.
D. The batch data file.
Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Actions are capable of reformatting dates.
B. Actions cannot change the value of a field.
C. Actions use message boxes to immediately report a failed rule.
D. All of the above.
eDocs refers to:
A. Processing an EDI stream.
B. Document enhancement.
C. Converting electronic files to images for processing.
D. Enterprise capture of documents.
Taskmaster can export images to:
A. FileNet P8 only.
B. FileNet P8 and Image Services only.
C. IBM Content Manager, FileNet P8, and Image Services only.
D. Any major imagerepository.
The primary advantage of the optional Fingerprint Web Server is:
A. Fingerprints do not have to be loaded for every batch.
B. Fingerprints match more quickly.
C. It can hold more Fingerprints.
D. All of the above.
Which of the following is NOT a supported method of PageID?
A. Fingerprinting
B. Separator Sheets
C. K-Link
D. Sequential
Which is TRUE when discussing OCR vs. ICR recognition?
A. OCR recognition is a lot faster.
B. OCR istypically better for handprint.
C. ICR is typically done on a field, OCR typically done on a page.
D. OCR is more expensive.
Which is NOT a Taskmaster verification option?
A. Thick Client
B. Thin Client
C. DotEdit
D. Quattro
When demoing a product, what keystroke takes you from low confidence field to low confidence field?
A. Tab
B. Alt-L
C. F1
D. Ctrl-DownArrow
What status typically triggers a page for display and marks a field as a problem in Verification?
A. -1
B. 0
C. 1
D. 2