What is the difference between a crawler plug-in versus an export plug-in for the crawled documents?
A. Only the export plug-in can export the crawled document to a file system.
B. The crawler plug-in can view the metadata while the export plug-in cannot.
C. The crawler plug-in can modify the crawled document while the export plug-in cannot.
D. None, they referred to the same plug-in.
Which of the following annotators support content based classification?
A. Annotator for CAS2JDBC.
B. Annotator for Pattern Matching.
C. Annotator for IBM Classification Modul.
D. Annotator for Dictionary lookup.
Which of the following statements are TRUE for the default export capabilities in ICA?
A. Export search results for building knowledge-bases for IBM Classification Module.
B. Export search results for Cognos BI reporting.
C. Export search results into XML files.
D. All of the above.
Which of the following is TRUE for UIMA?
A. It is an Open standard for implementing custom logic.
B. Different specialized annotators are needed for different use cases.
C. It easily accommodates multiple languages and domains.
D. All of the above.
Which one of the statements below is related to the Dashboard view?
A. The reports published on the Cognos BI server can be displayed in this view.
B. The facet values can be configured to be visualized as bar charts, column charts, pie charts and time series charts.
C. Correlation between two facets can be visualized.
D. Both B and C.
One of the following is NOT a key solution built on IBM Content Analytics?
A. Healthcare provider clinical analysis.
B. eDiscovery for litigation discovery.
C. Fraud detection.
D. Manufacturing early warning quality.
Deep inspection in IBM Content Analytics can do which of the following?
A. Inspect for corrupted crawled binaries.
B. Inspect for duplicate documents.
C. Inspect index to export all keywords or facet pairs.
D. None of the above.
Which of the following is the primary use of the Deviations view in Text Miner?
A. Detect cyclic changes over time periods, like months of the year or days of the week.
B. Detect deviations in the correlation values between two facets.
C. Identify unexpected spikes in frequency values.
D. Isolate deviations in facets values from historical values.
Which API is intended to provide ad-hoc text analytics on documents without indexing the document?
A. Real time natural language processing (NLP) API.
B. Crawler plug-in API.
C. IBM search and index APIs (SIAPI).
D. Export API.
Crawlers perform which of the following functions in ICA?
A. Collect statistics on search performance for audit reporting.
B. Collect documents from data sources so that they can be processed.
C. Parse the contents of a document making it available for analysis.
D. Control access control to sensitive resources within ICA.