What yearly event does Nutanix host for customer appreciation?
A. XTreme
C. Activate
D. Xlive!
A prospect is concerned about large upfront expenditures for a datacenter refresh. Which value proposition of HCI should be positioned to this prospect?
A. Continuous Innovation
B. Rapid Time to Market
C. OneClick Simplicity
D. Fractional IT Consumption
Which scenario presents an opportunity for Nutanix Solution for a retail company?
A. A company is upgrading its server environment at each remote store
B. A company is upgrading its point of sales software
C. A company needs to make credit card transactions to be more secure
D. A company is evaluating its search engine optimization strategy
Which scenario presents an opportunity for Nutanix Solution?
A. A sport team needs digital signage solutions for inside the stadium
B. A sport team needs mobile device management options for their digital playbook
C. A sport team needs mobile devices to use on the field to assist in realtime calling
D. A sport team needs infrastructure to track and analyze player sensor data
What is the key benefit of Nutanix's automated STIG?
A. Performance enhancements
B. Software encryption
C. Storage management efficienices
D. Automated validation and selfhealing
A large financial customer buys a strings of bank branch offices. They want to roll out a standardized platform to all branch offices. Two main pain points are the need for single pane of glass and the need to eliminate the ongoing Vmware license fees Which 2
Nutanix technologies are appropriate to address this customer's needs?
A. AHV and Calm
B. Prism and AFS
C. Zookeeper and Cassandra
D. Prism and AHV
Which initial service does Xi Cloud offer?
A. Disaster Recovery Service
B. VDI Service
C. Database Service
D. Email Service
What must be considered when deploying Nutanix?
A. Storage requirement for next 5 years
B. LUN provisioning
C. Tolerance for downtime
D. Applications and workloads
What can be accomplished with "OneClick" in Prism?
A. Fibre Channel provisioning
B. Storage Pool creation
C. Infrastructure Upgrade
D. CRM management
A customer is experiencing performance bottleneck issues. What benefit does Nutanix offer that should be positioned for this customer?
A. Application marketplace
B. CVM on each node
C. Native hypervisor
D. Unified management console