Vendor: Nutanix
Certifications: Nutanix Certifications
Exam Code: NCM-MCI-6.5
Exam Name: Nutanix Certified Master - Multicloud Infrastructure (NCM-MCI) v6.5
Updated: Feb 15, 2025
Q&As: 16
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Task 11
An administrator has noticed that after a host failure, the SQL03 VM was not powered back on from another host within the cluster. The Other SQL VMs (SQL01, SQL02) have recovered properly in the past.
Resolve the issue and configure the environment to ensure any single host failure affects a minimal number os SQL VMs.
Note: Do not power on any VMs
A. Answer: See the for step by step solution.
Correct Answer: A
One possible reason why the SQL03 VM was not powered back on after a host failure is that the cluster was configured with the default (best effort) VM high availability mode, which does not guarantee the availability of VMs in case of
insufficient resources on the remaining hosts. To resolve this issue, I suggest changing the VM high availability mode to guarantee (reserved segments), which reserves some memory on each host for failover of VMs from a failed host. This
way, the SQL03 VM will have a higher chance of being restarted on another host in case of a host failure. To change the VM high availability mode to guarantee (reserved segments), you can follow these steps:
Log in to Prism Central and select the cluster where the SQL VMs are running. Click on the gear icon on the top right corner and select Cluster Settings. Under Cluster Services, click on Virtual Machine High Availability. Select Guarantee
(Reserved Segments) from the drop-down menu and click Save. To configure the environment to ensure any single host failure affects a minimal number of SQL VMs, I suggest using anti-affinity rules, which prevent VMs that belong to the
same group from running on the same host. This way, if one host fails, only one SQL VM will be affected and the other SQL VMs will continue running on different hosts. To create an anti-affinity rule for the SQL VMs, you can follow these
Log in to Prism Central and click on Entities on the left menu. Select Virtual Machines from the drop-down menu and click on Create Group. Enter a name for the group, such as SQL Group, and click Next. Select the SQL VMs (SQL01,
SQL02, SQL03) from the list and click Next. Select Anti-Affinity from the drop-down menu and click Next.
Review the group details and click Finish.
I hope this helps. How else can I help? affinity-policies-c.html
A screenshot of a computer
Description automatically generated with medium confidence
CORRECT TEXT Task 3 An administrator needs to assess performance gains provided by AHV Turbo at the guest level. To perform the test the administrator created a Windows 10 VM named Turbo with the following configuration. 1 vCPU 8 GB RAM SATA Controller
40 GB vDisk
The stress test application is multi-threaded capable, but the performance is not as expected with AHV Turbo enabled. Configure the VM to better leverage AHV Turbo.
Note: Do not power on the VM. Configure or prepare the VM for configuration as best you can without powering it on.
A. Answer: See the for step by step solution.
Correct Answer: A
To configure the VM to better leverage AHV Turbo, you can follow these steps:
Log in to Prism Element of cluster A using the credentials provided.
Go to VM > Table and select the VM named Turbo.
Click on Update and go to Hardware tab.
Increase the number of vCPUs to match the number of multiqueues that you want to enable. For example, if you want to enable 8 multiqueues, set the vCPUs to 8. This will improve the performance of multi-threaded workloads by allowing
them to use multiple processors.
Change the SCSI Controller type from SATA to VirtIO. This will enable the use of VirtIO drivers, which are required for AHV Turbo.
Click Save to apply the changes.
Power off the VM if it is running and mount the Nutanix VirtIO ISO image as a CD-ROM device. You can download the ISO image fromNutanix Portal. Power on the VM and install the latest Nutanix VirtIO drivers for Windows 10. You can
follow the instructions fromNutanix Support Portal. After installing the drivers, power off the VM and unmount the Nutanix VirtIO ISO image.
Power on the VM and log in to Windows 10.
Open a command prompt as administrator and run the following command to enable multiqueue for the VirtIO NIC:
ethtool -L eth0 combined 8
Replaceeth0with the name of your network interface and8with the number of multiqueues that you want to enable. You can useipconfig /allto find out your network interface name.
Restart the VM for the changes to take effect.
You have now configured the VM to better leverage AHV Turbo. You can run your stress test application again and observe the performance gains. change vCPU to 2/4 ?
Change SATA Controller to SCSI:
acli vm.get Turbo
Output Example:
Turbo {
config {
agent_vm: False
allow_live_migrate: True
boot {
boot_device_order: "kCdrom"
boot_device_order: "kDisk"
boot_device_order: "kNetwork"
uefi_boot: False
cpu_passthrough: False
disable_branding: False
disk_list {
addr {
bus: "ide"
index: 0
cdrom: True
device_uuid: "994b7840-dc7b-463e-a9bb-1950d7138671" empty: True
disk_list {
addr {
bus: "sata"
index: 0
container_id: 4
container_uuid: "49b3e1a4-4201-4a3a-8abc-447c663a2a3e" device_uuid: "622550e4-fb91-49dd-8fc7-9e90e89a7b0e" naa_id: "naa.6506b8dcda1de6e9ce911de7d3a22111"
storage_vdisk_uuid: "7e98a626-4cb3-47df-a1e2-8627cf90eae6" vmdisk_size: 10737418240
vmdisk_uuid: "17e0413b-9326-4572-942f-68101f2bc716" }
flash_mode: False
hwclock_timezone: "UTC"
machine_type: "pc"
memory_mb: 2048
name: "Turbo"
nic_list {
connected: True
mac_addr: "50:6b:8d:b2:a5:e4"
network_name: "network"
network_type: "kNativeNetwork"
network_uuid: "86a0d7ca-acfd-48db-b15c-5d654ff39096" type: "kNormalNic"
uuid: "b9e3e127-966c-43f3-b33c-13608154c8bf"
vlan_mode: "kAccess"
num_cores_per_vcpu: 2
num_threads_per_core: 1
num_vcpus: 2
num_vnuma_nodes: 0
vga_console: True
vm_type: "kGuestVM"
is_rf1_vm: False
logical_timestamp: 2
state: "Off"
uuid: "9670901f-8c5b-4586-a699-41f0c9ab26c3"
acli vm.disk_create Turbo clone_from_vmdisk=17e0413b-9326-4572-942f-68101f2bc716 bus=scsi
remove the old disk
acli vm.disk_delete 17e0413b-9326-4572-942f-68101f2bc716 disk_addr=sata.0
CORRECT TEXT Task 14 The application team has requested several mission-critical VMs to be configured for disaster recovery. The remote site (when added) will not be managed by Prism Central. As such, this solution should be built using the Web Console.
Disaster Recovery requirements per VM: Mkt01 RPO: 2 hours Retention: 5 snapshots Fin01 RPO: 15 minutes Retention: 7 days Dev01 RPO: 1 day Retention: 2 snapshots Configure a DR solution that meets the stated requirements. Any objects created in this item must start with the name of the VM being protected. Note: the remote site will be added later
A. Answer: See the for step by step solution.
Correct Answer: A
To configure a DR solution that meets the stated requirements, you can follow these steps:
Log in to the Web Console of the source cluster where the VMs are running. Click on Protection Domains on the left menu and click on Create Protection Domain. Enter a name for the protection domain, such as PD_Mkt01, and a description
if required.
Click Next.
Select Mkt01 from the list of VMs and click Next. Select Schedule Based from the drop-down menu and enter 2 hours as the interval. Click Next.
Select Remote Site from the drop-down menu and choose the remote site where you want to replicate the VM. Click Next.
Enter 5 as the number of snapshots to retain on both local and remote sites. Click Next. Review the protection domain details and click Finish. Repeat the same steps for Fin01 and Dev01, using PD_Fin01 and PD_Dev01 as the protection
domain names, and adjusting the interval and retention values according to the requirements.
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