By enabling Flat catalog, you will ____________.
A. speed up performance on the frontend
B. speed up saving product on the backend
C. simplify the product import process
D. speed up loading product on the backend
Which one of the following accurately describes the purpose of the resource helper classes instantiated through Mage::getResourceHelper?
A. Format values returned by the database for display in templates.
B. Provide a convenient way to modify database table properties.
C. Provide public access to concrete implementations of varien_Db_Adapter_Interface.
D. Provide clean access to another module's database tables.
E. Wrap vendor-specific SQL additions into an RDBMS-agnostic interface.
To register a new API resource, what should you do?
A. Register your new resource in config.xml in the node global/api/ [module name]/resources.
B. Create etc/api.xml and register your resource in the api/resources node.
C. Go to the System/Web services/API Resources management page, and add a new resource from there.
D. Create an etc/resources.xml config file and register your resource in the api/resources node.
In which order are the following methods executed after Mage_Core_Model_Abstract::save ( ) is called?
1 - Mage_Core_Model_Abstract::_beforeSave ( )
2 - Mage_Core_Model_Abstract::_afterSave ( )
3 - Mage_Core_Model_Mysql4_Abstract::_beforeSave ( )
4 - Mage_Core_Model_Mysql4_Abstract::_afterSave ( )
5 - Mage Core Model Abstract::afterCommitCallback ( )
A. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
B. 1, 3, 2, 4, 5
C. 1, 3, 4, 2, 5
D. 3, 1, 4, 2, 5
To implement a standard Adminhtml form for a custom data model, which two of the following must you do? (Choose two)
A. Declare your module's block class prefix in the config.xml file.
B. Implement a sub-class of Mage_Adminhtml_Block_widget_Form.
C. Implement a sub-class of Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Form_Abstcact.
D. Create sub-classes of Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Form_Element_Abstract for each form field to be presented.
E. Add a set of configuration values in the module's config.xml defining the form fields to be displayed,
A customer bought two items but wants to cancel one.
Which option enables the administrator of the site to edit the quantity while the invoice is being captured in the admin area?
A. In the System Configuration, under the Sales section, set "Allow partial invoice" to "true".
B. In the payment method, set the $_canCapturePartial protected variable to true.
C. There are no native ways to do this: override the sales/order/invoice/view/items.phtml template.
D. In the configuration node, set default/payment/ {METHOD_NAME}/allow_partial_invoice to 1.
What happens when you edit an existing order using the order management page?
A. A form appears that allows you to edit all information on the current order.
B. A form appears that allows you to edit shipping information of the current order only.
C. Depending on the order status, different editing forms appear for the current order.
D. The current order is canceled and a new order is created from scratch based on the current order's data.
Which of the following actions will enable logging via calls to debugData( ) on a native Magento payment method model?
A. Set the protected property $_debug of the payment model to true
B. Set the config node default/payment/debug/[method code] to 1
C. Call Mage:: register (`payment_method_debug_' . [method code], true);
D. Set the config node default/payment/ [method code]/debug to 1
E. Call setDebug(true) on the payment method model
What class does an adminhtml grid directly extend?
A. Varien_Data_Widget
B. Varien_Data_Grid
C. Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget
D. Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Template
Which of the following will return an instance of a resource model? (Choose three)
A. Mage::getResourceModel ('customer/customer');
B. Mage::getResourceSingleton ('customer/customer');
C. Mage::getModel ('customer/customer') ->getResource ( );
D. Mage::getResourceModel ('customer/customer')->getInstance ( );
E. Mage::getModel ('customer/customer') ->getResourceModel ( );
F. Mage::getResourceModel ('customer/customer') ->getResource( );