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LCSW Online Practice Questions and Answers

Questions 4

The Jacobs family has decided to incorporate the services of a clinical social worker due to intense conflict between parents and children. During the first session, the Jacobs take turns discussing their issues while the social worker listens intently. There is no focus on what is wrong, but rather on the complex interplay of risks and strengths. This type of assessment is known as what?

A. Strength-based assessment

B. Family-centered assessment

C. Conflict resolution assessment

D. All of the above

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Questions 5

Person-centered therapy places most of the responsibilityfor treatment on the client. Professionals take a back seat and perform in a nondirective role. Therapy takes place in a supportive environment with a comfortable client/social worker relationship. What are the two goals of person-centered therapy?

A. Increased self-esteem and openness to experience

B. Increased self-determination and internal control

C. Improvement in aggressive tendencies and control

D. Improvement in attitude and external forces

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Questions 6

A high profile company demonstrates success through its diverse work force. Each employee is a part of a team that has learned to accept gender, race and nationality differences. The focus instead, is on building trust and respect through indMdual commonalities. What is being practiced at this level?

A. Cultural diversity

B. Gender diversity

C. Ethnic diversity

D. All of the above

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Questions 7

One of the most studied topics in psychology has to do with an indMduaI's belief in their capacity to organize and act on prospective situations. People who look forward to challenging tasks with high confidence levels have a strong sense of what?

A. Self-confidence

B. Self-efficacy

C. Ego

D. Determinants

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Questions 8

A 23-year-old client named Amber has isolated herself from others due to feelings of inadequacy. The clinical social worker understands the well-being of the client cannot be secured without the help of others and asks Amber's parents to be involved in the therapy. What value is being compromised?

A. Competence

B. Consent

C. Dignity and worth of the person

D. Service

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Questions 9

Client records hold valuable information pertaining to the services and needs of an indMdual or family. Documentation should refilect the services being provided in an accurate manner. What is another important consideration?

A. Timely documentation

B. Privacy

C. Storage of records

D. All of the above

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Questions 10

Discrimination against indMduals based on their religion, race, age, origin, disability, or gender within the workplace is prohibited by federal law. When Jim is passed over for a promotion based on his age, what federal agency is there to protect him?

A. Federation of Aging indMduals

B. CMl Rights commission

C. Age and Retirement administration

D. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

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Questions 11

The framework of all behavior is communication and when conducting psychotherapy with families, homeostasis is often seen as negative feedback. Dysfunctional families are trapped in ineffective patterns of communication. These families are often resistant to what concept?

A. Resolution

B. Change

C. Coherence

D. Equilibrium

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Questions 12

Psychodyna mic therapy plays an important role in helping a client identify patterns of interacting, thinking and feeling that may be contributing to problems. EvoMng from the teachings of Freud, the theory emerges that emotional problems originate in childhood. The goal of psychodynamic therapy is to change an aspect of the client's personality or identity that was missed during an earlier stage of development. What should be the professionaI's primary focus?

A. Unconscious thought processes

B. Childhood maltreatment

C. Developmental delays

D. Emotional neglect

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Questions 13

Clinical social workers learn to identify deficiencies in knowledge when working with indMduals. Professionals collaborate with other advocates to obtain necessary information and resources. Once obtained, it is important to express all information to the client in an understanding manner. What role is the clinical social worker portraying?

A. Supervisor

B. Educator

C. Administrator

D. Therapist

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Exam Code: LCSW
Exam Name: ASWB Clinical Level Social Work Licensing Exam
Last Update: Jun 25, 2024
Questions: 250
10%OFF Coupon Code: SAVE10





