Vendor: GIAC
Certifications: GIAC Certifications
Exam Code: GSNA
Exam Name: GIAC Systems and Network Auditor (GSNA)
Updated: Feb 15, 2025
Q&As: 413 ( View Details)
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Which of the following are the countermeasures against WEP cracking?
A. Using the longest key supported by hardware.
B. Changing keys often.
C. Using a non-obvious key.
D. Using a 16 bit SSID.
Correct Answer: ABC
A user can use some countermeasures to prevent WEP cracking. Although WEP is least secure, it should not be used. However, a user can use the following methods to mitigate WEP cracking: Use a non-obvious key. Use the longest key supported by hardware. Change keys often. Use WEP in combination with other security features, such as rapid WEP key rotation and dynamic keying using 802.1x. Consider WEP a deterrent, not a guarantee. Answer: D is incorrect. SSID stands for Service Set Identifier. It is used to identify a wireless network. SSIDs are case sensitive text strings and have a maximum length of 32 characters. All wireless devices on a wireless network must have the same SSID in order to communicate with each other. The SSID on computers and the devices in WLAN can be set manually and automatically. Configuring the same SSID as that of the other Wireless Access Points (WAPs) of other networks will create a conflict. A network administrator often uses a public SSID that is set on the access point. The access point broadcasts SSID to all wireless devices within its range. Some newer wireless access points have the ability to
disable the automatic SSID broadcast feature in order to improve network security.
Which of the following statements about packet filtering is true?
A. It allows or restricts the flow of specific types of packets to provide security.
B. It is used to send confidential data on the public network.
C. It allows or restricts the flow of encrypted packets to provide security.
D. It is used to store information about confidential data.
Correct Answer: A
Packet filtering is a method that allows or restricts the flow of specific types of packets to provide security. It analyzes the incoming and outgoing packets and lets them pass or stops them at a network interface based on the source and destination addresses, ports, or protocols. Packet filtering provides a way to define precisely which type of IP traffic is allowed to cross the firewall of an intranet. IP packet filtering is important when users from private intranets connect to public networks, such as the Internet.
Which of the following policies helps reduce the potential damage from the actions of one person?
B. Separation of duties
C. Internal audit
D. Risk assessment
Correct Answer: B
Separation of duties (SoD) is the concept of having more than one person required to complete a task. It is alternatively called segregation of duties or, in the political realm, separation of powers. Segregation of duties helps reduce the potential damage from the actions of one person. IS or end-user department should be organized in a way to achieve adequate separation of duties. According to ISACA's Segregation of Duties Control matrix, some duties should not be combined into one position. This matrix is not an industry standard, just a general guideline suggesting which positions should be separated and which require compensating controls when combined. Answer: A is incorrect. Cisco Security Agent (CSA) is an endpoint intrusion prevention system. It is rule- based and examines system activity and network traffic, determining which behaviors are normal and which may indicate an attack. CSA uses a two or three-tier client- server architecture. The Management Center 'MC' (or Management Console) contains the program logic; an MS SQL database backend is used to store alerts and configuration information; the MC and SQL database may be co-resident on the same system. The Agent is installed on the desktops and/or servers to be protected. The Agent communicates with the Management Center, sending logged events to the Management Center and receiving updates in rules when they occur. Answer: C is incorrect. Internal auditing is a profession and activity involved in helping organizations achieve their stated objectives. It does this by using a systematic methodology for analyzing business processes, procedures and activities with the goal of highlighting organizational problems and recommending solutions. Answer: D is incorrect. Risk assessment is a step in a risk management process.
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