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GMAT Online Practice Questions and Answers

Questions 4

Beginning at noon yesterday, water was removed from a partially filled water tank at a constant rate of 300 liters per hour. When there were 600 liters of water left in the tank, no more water was removed from the tank. Were there more than 1,000 liters of water in the tank at noon yesterday?


There were 600 liters of water in the tank at 2:00 yesterday afternoon. (2) There were more than 650 liters of water in the tank at 1:00 yesterday afternoon.


Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is not sufficient.


Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not sufficient.


BOTH statements TOGETHER are sufficient, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient.


EACH statement ALONE is sufficient.


Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient.

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Questions 5

A set of 5 numbers has a range of 40. The smallest of the numbers is 10. Which of the following CANNOT be a number in this set?

A. 15

B. 25

C. 30

D. 50

E. 55

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Questions 6

A. Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is not sufficient.

B. Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not sufficient.

C. BOTH statements TOGETHER are sufficient, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient.

D. EACH statement ALONE is sufficient.

E. Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient.

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Questions 7

Welleby's Plan

The water In the underground water table beneath the town of Welleby is moderately saline-- 20,000millkjrarns of salt per liter of water (mg/L), or roughly half as saline as ocean water. To lower the level of the water table and thus prevent agricultural land from being inundated with salt water, the town plans to pump water from the table at a rate of 450kiloliters per day (kL/day) into a large shallow pond, allowing much of the water to evaporate. The town plans to divert 10percent of the water pumped from the water table to supplement Us supply of drinking water, which Is currently piped In from great distances. Due to the water's supply, the town intends to construct a desalination plant to treat the diverted water for use as drinking water. Desalination Types

Comparison Welleby is deciding among the following three desalination methods. Reverse Osmosis (RO): Water Is pushed through a membrane, leaving salts behind. RO systems can handle a large range of water flow rates and use relatively little energy. However, RO membranes are expensive and must be replaced

every 2 to 5 years. There is also a possibility that bacteria can grow on the membrane. Introducing tastes and odors Into the desalinated water.

Multi-Effect Distillation (MED): Saline water Is heated to produce water vapor, from which Is condensed potable fresh water. This process requires large amounts of energy, regardless of the salinity of the source water. It becomes more cost effective as water volumes increase. Electrodialysis (ED): Electricity is used to selectively move salts through a membrane. Consumption of energy Is directly proportional to the salinity of the water to be treated, so with higher salinities the process rapidly becomes more costly

than other methods. ED membranes need to be replaced every 7 to 10years.

Based on the information provided, which one of the following benefits to Welleby is most likely to result from Its building a desalination plant?

A. Reduced dependence on distant sources for drinking water

B. Reduced costs for pumping water from the underground water

C. table Increased quantity of agricultural land

D. Reduced salinity of the underground water table

E. Reduced average salinity of the town's drinking water

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Questions 8

A. Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is not sufficient.

B. Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not sufficient.

C. BOTH statements TOGETHER are sufficient, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient.

D. EACH statement ALONE is sufficient.

E. Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient.

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Questions 9

The company's long-term planning statement, particularly the sections condemning temporary price adjustments and new customer-service approaches, were criticized for being insufficiently responsive to the current business climate.

A. approaches, were criticized for being

B. approaches being criticized as

C. approaches, was criticized as

D. approaches, criticized for being

E. approach was criticized as

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Questions 10

The information in the passage suggests that its authoi believes there may be "a halo effect" (see highlighted text) associated with which of the following errors?

A. A company's profitable Implementation of sustainable practices is mistakenly attributed to altruistic motives.

B. The apparent association of a company's adoption of sustainability initiatives with Its need to address resource limitations is mistaken for causation.

C. A company's financial success Is mistakenly attributed to the positive qualities of those who make the management decisions at that company.

D. The financially successful strategies of some companies are mistaken to Imply that a larger group of companies will be similarly successful If they adopt similar strategies.

E. The positive environmental impact of a company's adoption of sustainable practices Is mistakenly understood to offset a greater negative environmental Impact than K actually does.

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Questions 11

As much as. experience influences human preferences and values, the loss of firsthand experience with nature is likely to contribute to a reduced valuation of biodiversity by humans in the future--a dismal prospect for the diversity of life.

A. As much as,

B. As a whole.

C. Inasmuch as

D. As such.

E. On the whole

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Questions 12

The passage is primarily concerned with doing which of the following?

A. Surveying the different mechanisms that plants adopt to defend themselves from predators

B. Citing an experiment that explains why a certain kind of organism has difficulty in locating its prey

C. Providing an example of farmers' current use of one insect to prey on another that damages their crops

D. Describing an instance in which one kind of organism exploits the behavior of another kind of organism in order to protect itself from a predator

E. Describing an instance in which one kind of organism defends itself from predators by mimicking the behavior of another kind of organism

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Questions 13

Many companies today are making new product development a central element of their competitive strategy. Because the potential benefits of successful product innovation are great--prolonged growth, superior financial returns, and strong investor interest-many companies offer employees incentives such as promotions and bonuses for developing new products, incentives not offered for innovations in other areas of the business, firms' priorities can also be shaped by their measurement systems, since these systems can directly measure returns from new products more immediately than they can measure returns from investments in such areas as organizational restructuring or innovations in marketing.

But the organizational culture of such companies can hurt them in the marketplace because a narrow focus on product development can ultimately detract from a firm's performance. For instance, a company's ability to profit from new products can be severely hampered if it has neglected other functions and business processes. If a company develops a superior new product but is unable to distribute and promote t rapidly, competitors with better distribution systems may copy the product and introduce It into the market before the innovator can profit from its innovation. In contrast, effective distribution, marketing, and accounting systems-that is, strong overall business systems -can act as entry barriers, deterring would-be competitors from entering a particular.

The passage suggests which of the following about companies' investment in the development of new products?

A. Heavy investment in the development of new products is a less risky business practice than most business leaders believe.

B. Companies might invest less heavily in the development of new products if company executives felt equally able to measure the results of investments in all areas of business innovation.

C. Companies are most likely to focus their investment on the development of new products if they perceive competitors to lack strong overall business systems.

D. While investment in the development of new products can bring greater returns to companies than can investment in other areas of a business, the benefits are usually short- lived.

E. It is generally more expensive for companies to invest in the development of new products than to invest in such things as organizational restructuring or the development of new marketing practices.

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Exam Code: GMAT
Exam Name: Graduate Management Admission Test (2022)
Last Update: Mar 02, 2025
Questions: 429
10%OFF Coupon Code: SAVE10





