Vendor: Test Prep
Certifications: Test Prep Certifications
Exam Code: GED-SECTION-2
Exam Name: Section Two Language Arts - Writing
Updated: Feb 15, 2025
Q&As: 59
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Refer to the following meeting minutes and answer the question.
Employee Advocate Committee Minutes of Meeting Held:
July 21, 2005 In Attendance: Dakota Mills,Vice President Rebecca Styles, Committee Chairperson Oliver Perez, Committee Secretary
Brenda Oslowski
Michael Wen
Jamal Roberts Absent:
Anthony Wilkins
1. Employee Lounge.
(1)Brenda reported an increase in complaints about the employee lounge.
(2)The complaints included:
(3)Jamal suggested creating a survey to determine how to best redesign the lounge.
(4)Rebecca suggested putting a suggestion box in the lounge.
(5)The committee agreed that a survey would be more systematic and getting more input from employees.
(6)Michael volunteered to create the survey that he will bring a draft of to the next meeting.
(7)Oliver volunteers to research the cost of a new microwave and refrigerator.
(8)The need for more telephones was another complaint about the lounge that was discussed.
2. Employee Appreciation Day.
(9)Rebecca reminded the committee that it was time to plan the annual Employee Appreciation Day, we brainstormed several ideas for Appreciation Day activities, including:
(10)Brenda noted that the company could best show its appreciation by moving quickly improving the lounge.
(11)The committee have agreed that the survey should be completed before Employee Appreciation Day.
committee will reconvene next Thursday July 28 at 10 A.M.
Sentence 6: Michael volunteered to create the survey that he will bring a draft of to the next meeting.
Which is the best way to write the underlined portion of this sentence?
that he will bring a draft of
and will bring a draft
bringing a draft of it
therefore, he will bring a draft of it
that he is going to bring a draft of
Correct Answer: B
This version correctly states the second action Michael will take in this compound verb: Michael volunteered and will bring a draft to the next meeting. Choice a is incorrect because it is wordy and awkward, especially with the placement of after draft. Choice c is incorrect because it is also awkward and does not have the helping verb will to indicate the future tense of the verb. Choice d is incorrect because it creates a run-on sentence. Choice e is grammatically correct but bulky and awkward because it uses is going to bring instead of will bring and because, like choice a, it places of after draft.
To: All Jubilee Products Employees
From: Blair Borowski, Facilities Manager
Date: March 1, 2005
Re: New Carpet **ATTENTION**
(1)This Saturday and Sunday, March 5 and 6, under your feet carpet company will be installing new carpets throughout the building.
(2)All office areas being currently carpeted will get new carpeting.
(3)All office areas that are not currently carpeted will also be carpeted.
(4)To prepare for the carpet installation, Under Your Feet have requested the following:
(5)Remove ALL nonfurniture items from the carpet or floor in your work area.
(6)ALL items except computers and telephones from the top of your furniture should be removed. (7)If for your office items you need boxes or storage space, please contact me at extension 425.
(8)The new carpet will be dark blue.
(9)Your compliance is very important, I will circulate a reminder on Thursday and again on Friday mourning.
(10)Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
(11)If you have any questions, please dont hesitate to contacting me.
Sentences 4: To prepare for the carpet installation, Under Your Feet have requested the following: Which correction should be made to sentence 4?
A. Change to prepare to preparing.
B. Delete the comma after installation.
C. Replace have with has.
D. Change Your to You??re.
E. No correction is necessary
Correct Answer: C
The subject of the sentence, Under Your Feet [Company], is singular, so the verb must also be singular (has, not have). Choice a is incorrect because the infinitive form is to + verb base, not verb + ing. Choice b is incorrect because the
comma after installation is necessary; commas should follow introductory phrases.
Choice d is incorrect because Your should remain possessive, not youre, which is a contraction of you and are. Choice e is incorrect because the error in subject verb agreement must be corrected.
How to Buy a Gift
(1)We by gifts all throughout the year for many different occasions. (2)Including birthdays, weddings, and anniversaries.
(3)A few simple strategies can help you pick a good gift every time.
(4)First, decide how much money you will spend on the gift.
(5)This depend upon two things: how much you can afford to spend and how much you want to spend.
(6)You may be able to afford $100.
(7)You may only want to spend $25.
(8)A maximum limit should be set so that you do not go over budget.
(9)Second, decide what sort of gift you want to give.
(10)Do you want your gift to be something practical, or would you rather give something whimsical.
(11)Do you want a gift that is unique, or would the receiver prefer something ordinary?
(12)Do you need something thats top of the line, or would the receiver appreciate a bargain brand?
(13)Even if you dont know exactly what you want to get, having an idea of the kind of gift you want can help you make the most of your time while you are shopping.
(14)Determine where you can purchase the kind of gift you want within your budget.
(15)For example, dont go to an upscale department store if your budget is only $25.
(16)A little research can help you find the right place for your purchase.
(17)That is making you, your wallet, and your gift recipient happy.
Sentence 5: This depend upon two things: how much you can afford to spend and how much you want to spend. Which correction should be made to sentence 5?
A. Add second to the beginning of the sentence.
B. Change depend to depends.
C. Replace can with should.
D. Change want to wants.
E. No correction is necessary.
Correct Answer: B
Depend needs to be changed to depends to correct the error in subjectverb agreement; this is singular and needs a singular verb. Choice a is incorrect because the sentence does not offer another reason but rather an explanation of the first reason. Choice c is incorrect because can is the proper helping verb in this context; it is a matter of ability, not expectation. Choice d is incorrect because the change would create another error in subjectverb agreement; you and want both need to be singular. Choice e is incorrect because the subjectverb agreement error needs to be corrected.
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