What is the business analyst doing when he or she compares the BAM with the current business situation?
A. Conceptual modelling.
B. Analysing perspective.
C. Gap analysis.
D. Defining CATVVOE.
Which of the following investigation techniques involves following a user for one or two days in order to find out what a particular job entails?
A. Scenario analysis.
B. Protocol analysis.
C. Shadowing.
D. Activity sampling.
A convenience food manufacturer has undertaken a strategic analysis study and has identified a threat from groups lobbying against the use of packaging for food products. Which of the PESTLE categories would have helped highlight this threat?
A. Legal.
B. Environmental.
C. Technological.
D. Economic.
One of the stages of the Business Activity Process Model is 'Consider the perspectives'. Which of the following would be particularly relevant in this stage?
A. PESTLE analysis.
B. Requirements Modelling.
C. Cost Benefit Analysis.
D. Business Activity Modelling.
Which of the following is a perceived advantage of using workshops to investigate requirements?
A. It reduces speed and productivity of the project.
B. It is time-consuming to arrange and organise.
C. It focuses on a narrow view of the area under investigation.
D. It obtains buy-in and acceptance for the project,
One of the claimed advantages of buying a software package is that it is possible to predict future maintenance costs with some certainty. How would these costs be classified in a cost- benefit analysis?
A. As an intangible cost.
B. As a tangible benefit.
C. As a tangible cost.
D. As an intangible benefit.
Linking a piece of delivered software functionality with a requirement is known as which of the following?
A. Requirements validation.
B. Requirements verification.
C. Requirements testing.
D. Requirements traceabiiity.
An entity type is a template for its entity occurrences. Which of the following is a template for objects?
A. A class.
B. A use case.
C. An operation
D. An actor.
Which of the following represents the total cash flows of an investment, over a period of time, adjusted to reflect the time value of money?
A. The Internal Rate of Return.
B. The Time to Payback.
C. The Net Present Value.
D. The Return on Investment.
Which of the following would be an appropriate name for a use case that allows a project manager to allocate resources to a project?
A. Assign resources.
B. Resource.
C. Project Manager.
D. Project.