Create a file called specs.empty in home/bob/ansible on the local machine as follows:
Create the playbook /home/bob/ansible/specs.yml which copies specs.empty to all remote nodes' path /root/specs.txt. Using the specs.yml playbook then edit specs.txt on the remote machines to reflect theappropriate ansible facts.
A. See the for complete Solution below.
Create a file calledadhoc.shin/home/sandy/ansiblewhich will use adhoc commands to set up anew repository. The name of the repo will be 'EPEL' the description 'RHEL8' the baseurl is''there is no gpgcheck, but you should enable the repo.
You should be able to use an bash script using adhoc commands to enable repos. Depending on your lab setup, you may need to make this repo "state=absent" after you pass this task.
See the for complete Solution below.
Create a file calledrequirements.ymlin/home/sandy/ansible/rolesto install two roles. The source for the first role is geerlingguy.haproxy and geerlingguy.php. Name the first haproxy-role and the second php-role. The roles should be installed in /home/sandy/ansible/roles.
A. See the for complete Solution below.
Create a playbook calledwebdev.ymlin'home/sandy/ansible. The playbook will create a directory Avcbdev on dev host. The permission of the directory are 2755 and owner is webdev. Create a symbolic link from/Webdevto /var/www/html/ webdev. Serve a file from Avebdev7index.html which displays the text "Development" Curl test
A. See the for complete Solution below.
Create a playbook /home/bob /ansible/motd.yml that runs on all inventory hosts and docs the following: The playbook should replaee any existing content of/etc/motd in the following text. Use ansible facts to display the FQDN of each host
On hosts in the dev host group the line should be "Welcome to Dev Server FQDN".
On hosts in the webserver host group the line should be "Welcome to Apache Server FQDN".
On hosts in the database host group the line should be "Welcome to MySQL Server FQDN".
A. See the for complete Solution below.
Create the users in the fileusersjist.ymlfile provided. Do this in a playbook called users.yml located at/home/sandy/ansible.The passwords for these users should be set using thelock.ymlfile from TASK7. When running the playbook, the lock.yml file should be unlocked withsecret.txtfile from TASK 7.
All users with the job of 'developer' should be created on thedevhosts, add them to the group devops, their password should be set using thepw_devvariable. Likewise create users with the job of 'manager' on theproxyhost and add the users to the group 'managers', their password should be set using thepw_mgrvariable.
A. See the for complete Solution below.
Create a playbook /home/bob/ansible/timesync.yml that runs on hosts in the webservers host group and does the following:
Uses thetimesync RHEL system role. Sets the ntp server to Sets the timezone to UTC
A. See the for complete Solution below.
Create a role called sample-apache and store it in /home/bob/ansible/roles. The role should
satisfy the following requirements:
In the role, install and enable httpd. Also enable the firewall to allow http. Also run the template
index.html.j2 and make sure this runs Create a template index.html.j2that displays "Welcome to the server HOSTNAME"
In a play called apache.yml in /home/bob/ansible/ run the sample-apache role.
A. See the for complete Solution below.
Create a playbook called issue.yml in /home/sandy/ansible which changes the file /etc/issue on all managed nodes: If host is a member of (lev then write "Development" If host is a member oftestthen write "Test" If host is a member ofprodthen write "Production"
A. See the for complete Solution below.
Create a playbookthatchanges the default target onallnodes tomulti-usertarqet. Do this in playbook file called target.yml in /home/sandy/ansible
A. See the for complete Solution below.