What is the description of Global climate change?
A. Exhaust fumes from daily traffic are contributing to a decrease in air quality that is slowly deteriorating the number of harvestable foods on Earth.
B. Human activity is contributing to a buildup of greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere that is slowly increasing the average temperature near Earth's surface.
C. IT industry waste is contributing to a buildup of CO2 in the Earth's ground that is quickly increasing the average temperature of Earth's surface.
What is true about screen savers?
A. Screen savers cause a computer to use more energy than switching off the monitor.
B. Screen savers save on energy by putting the monitor in sleep state.
C. Screen savers using a bright, colored background use the same amount of energy as with black backgrounds.
You work in a typical office building and the lights are always on. Using which lighting source could make the most significant dent in energy use?
A. 30-Watt Fluorescent bulbs
B. 40-Watt Fluorescent bulbs
C. Incandescent bulbs
An external Green IT consultant has analyzed your company and recommends replacing the PC's with thin clients. Which advantage does the use of thin clients over PC's contribute the most to an organization's green IT goals?
A. Cost efficiency
B. Low power consumption
C. Workstation mobility
Your company chooses to privilege the environmental drivers while introducing Green IT.What is an example of an environmental driver?
A. Reducing energy costs
B. Reducing equipment costs
C. Reducing e-waste
You are a member of the team in charge of introducing Green IT into your company. Your first action will be to introduce practices that can easily be applied to reduce computers' power consumption. Which practice would be the most effective?
A. Put monitors off at night.
B. Turn down the brightness of the display.
C. Use one power strip for all your chargers.
Your department has been asked to reduce the use of paper and ink. What is one of the easiest ways to do so?
A. Introduce the concept of the paperless office
B. Printing two-sided documents
C. Switch paper suppliers
A memo from management announces that the printers are to be consolidated. What is a valid reason for this decision?
A. Having less printers contributes to an energy cost reduction.
B. Having less printers will encourage employees to walk more during the day.
C. Having less printers will reduce polluted air in the office.
What is a dangerous combination as a result of not enough recycling of IT equipment?
A. Electronic equipment is dumped in the oceans, poisoning the fish population.
B. Outdated computer systems are being kept in service too long, halting technological breakthroughs.
C. Space for landfills is filling up quickly creating a need for additional transportation of waste.
What could you consider when seeking to purchase greener paper?
A. How paper is manufactured
B. That it doesn't content any recycled paper
C. The content should be mainly made of virgin fiber