Business Goals have what states?
A. Created, Actve, Complete
B. Actve, Inactve
C. Create, Actve, Archive
D. Exists
In the dashboard Image below, what is the red square indicatng?
A. The task is Complete
B. The task is not complete but not late or at risk
C. The task is a Milestone and is pending
D. The task is late
The default tme line increment for a Gant Chart is:
A. day
B. week
C. 12 hours
D. hour
What roles are authorized to create programs?
A. Only Program Leads and External Program Leads
B. Any role
C. Program designers only
D. Project leads only
When you click on the Program Name link in the search window, you will view a list of all the:
A. Projects in that Program
B. WBS for the Projects
C. Project members
D. Projects that are in the Actve state
A potental problem that may prevent the completon of a task or project is called a:
A. Risk
B. Issue
C. Discussion
D. Dependency
When the task creator starts the route, which tasks become actve?
A. All tasks become actve
B. All tasks with the order number of 1 become actve
C. Any task that has been promoted to the Complete state
D. Any task that has people assigned to it
Int the following image, what does the dependency (FS) specify?
A. Import the points WBS task must fnish before the Filter the points task can start
B. Import the points WBS task must start before the Filter the points task can fnish
C. Import the points WBS task must fnish before the Filter the points task can fnish
D. Import the points WBS task must start before the Filter the points task can start
Your project has a task called Create Student Guide (Task #3) which CANNOT start untl Review Course Outline (Task #2) fnishes. What is the correct dependency code?
A. 2:FS on Create Student Guide
B. 2:SF on Create Student Guide
C. 3:FS on Review Course Outline
D. 3:FF on Review Course Outline