Which of the following methods can find an element by its class name? Select two options
A. find__element__by__css__selector
B. find.__element__by__id.
C. find_ element_bY_xpath
D. find_element_by_tag_name
E. find_element_by_partial_link_text
Your SUT displays an alert with two buttons OK and Cancel
Issuing the dismiss*) command for that alert is equal to manually pressing which button?
B. Cancel
C. Neither
D. It is impossible to tell
Which of the following is a good definition for DOM?
A. An API interface which treats an HTML document as a tree structure where each node represents an object
B. A mock object, emulator or simulator which allows the automation to consistently test some capability, even when the physical object is not available
C. A test automation pattern which forces the technical and business layers to be considered separately
D. A layer which provides an environment for automated test scripts to execute
Which of the following statements is true about test automation metrics?
A. Meaningful test automation metrics should be established quickly
B. Meaningful test automation metrics are the same no matter the size of the project
C. Meaningful test automation metrics are simply comparing relative test effort for manual versus automated tests
D. Meaningful test automation metrics are part of demonstrating business value
If you need to test the content within a specific frame in a web page, which one of the following is the BEST approach for gaining access to the frame?
A. Get handles for the open frames and switch to the frame with that handle
B. Execute JavaScriptwindow_open code to open the desired frame
C. Create a WebDriver object for the frame and use the gotframeQ method using the object
D. Use the swltch_to class to switch to the desired frame
Your web application uses a framework that creates dialogs using templates such that "OK" and "Cancel" buttons are reused by multiple dialogs The dialogs are complicated, with many buttons and other elements. You are allowed to make changes to the source code to help in testing
Which of the following is the BEST approach for locating the Cancel button in one specific dialog?
A. Add a unique class name to the button and locate it within a loaded dialog
B. Add a unique ID to the button and locate it within a loaded dialog
C. Use the absolute XPath for the button for the loaded dialog
D. Use the link text for the button to locate it within a loaded dialog
Which of the following is a limitation of a test automation project that is likely to cause an organization to get less return on their investment than they expected?
A. Approach stating that all manual tests should be automated
B. The pesticide paradox is decreased with automation
C. Short-term thinking and inadequate planning for the automation
D. Executing tests outside of normal business hours
Which of the following is a good definition for a fixture?
A. A mock object or environment used to consistently test some item, device, or piece of software
B. A function in a software library whose main purpose is to call another function often adding or enhancing functionality
C. A test automation pattern which requires that technical logic and business logic be dealt with at different levels
D. An environment for automated test scripts to execute, including tools, libraries
Given a link with an ID = "Hnk1". which line(s) of code will get the text within the webelement?
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Which of the following is an example of a potential negative outcome associated with Selenium test automation project?
A. Ease of running large sets of regression tests when new features are added
B. Reduced code coverage at the unit and integration test levels
C. Finding so many defects that the release process is slowed down
D. Allowing people with limited technical understanding to automate tests