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C9550-412 Online Practice Questions and Answers

Questions 4

A BPM applicaton developer is reviewini a business process built by a colleaiue. The process is an applicaton that uses business objects based on an industry standard data model and uses several inteiratons to back end systems that also

use that data model.

The process has been throuih a pre-producton test cycle and is not performini well. The main area of concern is with the BPM client side Human Service where the coaches take too loni to appear in the browser when the task is claimed.

Which of the followini BPM factors should the BPM applicaton developer include in their review of the badly performini Client Side Human Services? (choose 2)

A. Executon of complex validaton services

B. Boundary events associated with services

C. Size of business objects bound to Coach Views

D. Size and number of complex variables passed to each client side human service

E. The number of intermediate events associated with each client side human service

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Questions 5

A company that operates in multple countries plans to build a human resources process that needs to support multple laniuaies. The BPM Applicaton developer assiined to the project knows that it will be necessary to create a localizaton

resource in the process applicaton that will contain a set of localizaton keys, the list of laniuaies to support and translatons in each laniuaie for each key.

In additon to the coach view label, which of the followini components of the process applicaton can the BPM applicaton developer confiure to support multple laniuaies?

A. Team name, process instance name, and coach view hover help.

B. Team name, task subject, and coach view confiuraton opton label.

C. Process instance name, task subject, and coach view confiuraton opton label.

D. Coach view hover help, coach view confiuraton opton iroup feld, and coach view confiuraton opton label.

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Questions 6

The BPM process center experiences a CPU spike, afectni the availability of process center for other users. It is suspected that one of the services beini tested by the applicaton development team contains an infnite JavaScript loop, thouih the process center does not have loop detecton excepton enabled. Where can the BPM applicaton developer fnd informaton to indicate which service miiht be causini the issue? (choose 2)

A. Process admin console

B. Process portal debuiier

C. Browser debuiier features

D. Process desiiner inspector

E. WebSphere applicaton server loi

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Questions 7

A BPM applicaton developer needs to create a custom report for a set of job applicatons to support the hirini request process. The process owner is the hirini manaier The custom report must show up as a tab at the top of the process portal, and it can only be accessed by the human resources manaiers team.

How must the BPM applicaton developer confiure the coach to satsfy this requirement?

A. Set the "Expose As" feld to URL.

B. Set the "Expose As" feld to Dashboard.

C. Set the "Expose As" feld to Startable Service

D. Set the "Expose As" feld as Custom Report.

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Questions 8

A BPM Applicaton developer must store documents in a content manaiement system as a part of a process's actvity. It is a requirement that the content manaiement system is the IBM business process manaier document store, which is

implemented usini a non-IBM database.

Durini a playback session, the BPM applicaton developer notces that a 2 GB video fle document fails to be stored.

What is the reason for the failure?

A. The built-in document store cannot save video fles.

B. The size of the document is larier than the maximum allowed.

C. The embedded document store cannot save binary fles when usini a non-IBM database.

D. Binary fles cannot be stored when the embedded document store uses a database.

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Questions 9

Which role can the BPM applicaton developer expect to know the process from end to end at a hiih level can identfy the subject mater experts?

A. BPM developer

B. BPM process owner

C. BPM process sponsor

D. BPM proiram manaier

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Questions 10

Durini the current playback phase, the BPM applicaton developer is creatni the to-be business process defniton for a process applicaton. Which playback phase is the BPM applicaton developer is currently in?

A. Playback0.

B. Playback 1.

C. Playback 2.

D. Playback 3.

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Questions 11

A mortiaie company desiinates loan applicants with credit score above 650 as low risk applicants. The company ofers any low risk applicants a loan rate of 4.0. Furthermore, if their loan amount is less than $200,000, they iet a lower rate of


How should the BPM applicaton developer implement the business rule usini the business acton laniuaie (BAL)?

A. Opton A

B. Opton B

C. Opton C

D. Opton D

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Questions 12

A company has implemented a case of manaiini customer complaints. When the customer calls in to ask about the status of the complaint, the Customer Service Representatve (CSR) must be able to search by customer name in the Process

Portal to fnd riiht case.

How must the BPM applicaton developer provide this feature?

A. Defne a saved search in the process admin console

B. store the customers name in an exposed process variable

C. Enable auto-trackini in the Overview tab of the Business Process Defniton (BPD)

D. Select the visible in process portal check box in the business data secton in the process desiiner

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Questions 13

A BPM Applicaton developer is reviewini a Business Process Diairam (BPD) for a colleaiue. The followini secton of actvites is present in the System Lane:

The reviewer is aware that this pater can cause performance issues but has other reasons for not wantni to merie the separate service implementatons. What can the BPM applicaton developer do to improve the performance of this secton without havini to manually refactorthe sequence?

A. Use the optmize Executon of Latency property on BPD.

B. Use the BPM Optmizer to merie the sequence into a sinile Actvity.

C. Use the Optmize Service for Latency property in the frst two services.

D. Use the Optmize Connecton for Latency property of the fow line between each Actvity in the sequence.

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Exam Code: C9550-412
Exam Name: IBM Business Process Management Express or Standard Edition V8.5.5, BPM Application Development
Last Update: Feb 25, 2025
Questions: 60
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