Assuming there are no custom properties defined in current plugin-cfg.xml file, what should be done before running the GenPluginCfg command?
A. Delete the global plugin-cfg.xml in the
B. Delete the current plugin-cfg.xml in the
C. Clear the Enable automated web server configuration processing option in the web server plugin configuration service.
D. Use either the Integrated Solutions Console or the ConfigurewebServerDefinition.jacl script to create a web server definition.
What does the 璂 JVM argument do?
A. Creates a javacore dump when a thread is hung
B. Generates a Trace message that a javacore should be generated
C. Generates a SystemOut message that a javacore should be generated
D. Allows the administrator to choose whether or not to generate a javacore when a hang is detected
What data source property can an administrator configure to minimize the chances of encountering StaleConnectionExceptions?
A. Minimum connections = 0
B. Reap Timeout < Unused Timeout
C. Purge Policy = FailingConnectionOnly
D. Unused Timeout > Half firewall timeout
A system administrator has just enabled HPEL in the environment.
How can the administrator examine the logged data?
A. Use the ViewLog command.
B. Use the administrative console.
C. Use a text editor to open the systemOut.log file.
D. Use the IBM Support Assistant to analyze the text log.
Which of the following is true regarding disk offload?
A. The amount of disk space to use cannot be specified.
B. On server startup, DynaCache loads the entire disk cache into memory.
C. The number of cache entries that are offloaded to disk cannot be specified.
D. Disk offload can be enabled to have a cache entry copied to the file system at a configurable location.
How can the administrator change the console session expiration for the Integrated Solutions Console?
A. Modify timeout value and run the timeout.jacl script.
B. Set the timeout value in the Console Preferences panel.
C. Use the settimeout wsadmin command and specify the value.
D. Set the ConnectionResponseTimeout value in the Integrated Solutions Console.
To write a Jython script to stop a running application server, an administrator should use which administrative object?
A. AdminApp
B. AdminTask
C. AdminConfig
D. AdminControl
Which of the following is true about creating multiple security domains?
A. A new security domain can be created only using the administrative console.
B. Global security must be enabled before creating new multiple security domains.
C. Only users assigned to the security-admin role can create new multiple security domains.
D. If a unique name for the domain is not specified, the system will automatically create one.
After enabling High Performance Extensible Logging (HPEL), which configuration change will improve performance?
A. Enabling HPEL Text logging
B. Disabling HPEL Text logging
C. Increasing Maximum log size
D. Disabling Log record buffering
When recording a response file, what must be done to skip the install?
A. Specify a response file location
B. Specify the existing registry location
C. Specify a temporary registry location
D. Specify a master password repository