To create a report from the data source shown, what entities will the report author use?
A. Members
B. Values
C. Attributes
Which of the following are dimensional objects?
A. Sets and query calculation
B. Query subject andrelationship cardinality
C. Slicer and string function
D. Level and member
When the report consumer drills through from a dimensional member to a relational data item, what data type is passed?
A. Category code
B. Caption value
C. Member unique name
D. Business key
What type of prompt would a report author use to return a set of members from a hierarchy?
A. Select and Search Prompt
B. Value prompt
C. Tree prompt
D. Prompt Page
Which of the following family functions is most similar to the relativetime function parallelPeriod?
A. Cousin
B. PrevMember
C. Siblings
D. OpeningPeriod
What is the default behavior when drilling down on an edge in a crosstab report?
A. The level drilled on is replaced with the entire level below it.
B. The edge expression is replaced with the children of the item drilled on.
C. All edge expressions of the crosstab are replaced with their children.
D. The edge expression is changed to another item in the query.
The report author creates a query where two items (TopThree and Retailer country) exist in the same member set. The expression for TopThree is: topCount([Retailer country],3,[Revenue]).
What drill behavior should the report author set in order to display the top three children instead of all children on drill down?
A. Configure TopThree to Change Expression, and configureRetailer country to Preserve.
B. Configure TopThree to Preserve, and configure Retailer country to Preserve.
C. Configure TopThree to Preserve, and configure Retailer country to Replace Expression.
D. Configure TopThree to Ancestor, and configure Retailercountry to Change Expression.
Why would a report author consider overriding the default drill behavior?
A. To maintain the behavior of a complex edge expression after drilling, such as one which returns the top 5 members of a set.
B. To replace all members within a hierarchy when drilling through to a report with more detail.
C. To drill down to the lowest level of the hierarchy and then drill down again to display only one member.
D. To drill down on a member and have its children display as details and have the member drilled on display as summary.
The report author wants tocreate a report to compare the sales of product types for special sales promotions in 2005 and 2006, but the report will exclude regular sales.
Which style of authoring and which function will the report author use to create this report from a cube data source?
A. Relational authoring style, except function
B. Dimensional authoring style, filter function
C. Dimensional authoring style, except function
D. Relational authoring style, filter function
To display all individual campaigns in a crosstabreport, a report author could use the expression set([TrailChef Campaign],[EverGlow Campaign],[Course Pro Campaign]). Instead, the report author decides to use the parent member of the campaigns in the set expression "children([All Campaigns])".
Which statement is true about the method that was used?
A. In the future, when a campaign is deleted or new ones are added, the report author must modify the expression.
B. In the future, when a campaign is deleted or new ones are added, the unmodified expression will be valid.
C. The report author should not have used the method chosen, as the first method is best in this situation.
D. To be accurate, the report author should avoid using a set expression.