True or false: the CRISP-DM Process Methodology is a linear process.
A. True
B. False
Examine the Data Audit output shown below.
What action will occur in a generated Outlier and Extreme Supernode for HOLCOST?
A. Nine records will be set to the system missing (null) value for HOLCOST.
B. Ten records will be deleted.
C. Ten records will be set to the system missing (null) value for HOLCOST.
D. Nine records will be deleted.
True or false: running Auto Dataprep results in data transformation nodes placed in a Supernode on the canvas.
A. True
B. False
Which node can be used to impute (estimate) missing values?
A. Data Audit node
B. Balance node
C. Filler node D. Reclassify node
Which of the following types of nodes will have data flowing both in and out, when used in a stream?
A. Record Ops
B. Graphs
C. Export
D. Sources
How many phases are in the CRISP-DM Process Methodology?
A. Four
B. Five
C. Six
D. Seven
True or false: the optimal binning method in the Binning node uses a Supervisor field to determine the binning cut points.
A. True
B. False
Which node should be used if the user wanted to see the number of cases in each category for a variable of Categorical Measurement level?
True or false: only Terminal nodes (Graphs, Modeling, Output, Export) have a Run button as displayed in the graphic.
A. True
B. False
True or false: IBM SPSS Modeler builds a new model when a new data set is passed through a Model Nugget.
A. True
B. False