Sam wants to display a column only if the current user is associated with the Manager role. Otherwise, the column should be hidden.
Which one of the following will allow him to do this?
A. Use @IsNotMember("[Manager]"; @UserRoles) in the hide-when view column formula.
B. Use @IsNotMember("[Manager]"; @UserRoles) in the hide-when field formula.
C. Use @IsMember("[Manager]"; @UserRoles) in the hide-when view column formula.
D. Use @IsMember("[Manager]"; @UserRoles) in the hide-when field formula.
Roger wants a JavaScript function to execute in the onLoad event for a form. What must he select to have it run for both Web and Lotus Notes clients?
A. Select the form property "Render JavaScript in Notes and Web."
B. Select "Available Everywhere" in the onLoad event.
C. Paste the code into the Lotus Notes onLoad event and the Web onLoad event.
D. Select "Common JavaScript" in the onLoad event.
Janet uses Domino Designer's Dynamic Help feature to clarify something.
What kind of help will she get?
A. A context-sensitive Help View that constantly updates a list of possible relevant topics based on what she's doing.
B. An animated, talking icon that offers to assist her.
C. A personalized search interface that remembers all of her previous searches and their results.
D. A wizard that follows a support tree to narrow down the answer to her question.
Nathan created a secret key named Salary, and he has enabled encryption for three fields on the SalaryHistory form. He wants to ensure that all three of these fields are always encrypted whenever a SalaryHistory document is saved.
What should Nathan do next?
A. From the Field properties for each of the three fields, select Salary under "Encryption key(s)". Select the name of each of the individuals needing access to the field and save the form.
B. From the basics tab of the database properties, click encryption Settings. Select "Automatic encryption". Mail the secret key to the individuals who need access to the encrypted fields.
C. From the Security tab of the Form properties, select salary under "default encryption keys". Save the form, and mail the secret key to the individuals who need access to the encrypted fields.
D. From the Security tab of the Form properties, select "Default encryption". Mail the secret key to a Notes administrator and request the key to be merged into the certificate on the person document of each user needing access to the encrypted fields.
Richard's form includes a field that causes a document to be mailed when the document is saved. Which of the following is the reserved field name that Richard assigned to the field?
A. SaveOptions
B. ForceMail
C. MailSend
D. MailOptions
Robert does not want Authors in the Video database's ACL to be able to edit certain fields in documents they created.
Which one of the following can he do to accomplish this?
A. Use an Authors field on the form to prevent access to existing documents.
B. Set field security options to: Must have at least editor access to use.
C. Use a Readers field on the form to prevent access to existing documents.
D. create a standard section on the form and put the restricted fields in the section.
Joe wants to display a company logo in the background of a view in his sales application. How can he do this?
A. Use URL as the background graphic for the view, where the URL points to the logo.
B. He can't do this. Views cannot have background graphics.
C. Use an Image Resource as the background graphic for the view.
D. Display the view in a frameset, and set the background of the view's frame to an Image resource or URL depicting the logo.
Susan has deployed a template, "sales.ntf", for the Sales Tracking application on the test server. Fred
wants to create a new Sales Tracking application using Susan's template, and Fred wants his new
application to inherit future design changes from the template.
How can Fred do this?
A. Create a blank application, right-click the new application icon, and choose the "Copy From Template" option. Select the "sales.ntf" file as the template, and the design elements will be copied to the new application.
B. Crea a replica of the "sales.ntf" template, but make its file name end in ".nsf" instead.
C. Select File>Application>New, choose the test server as the template server, and choose the "sales.ntf" template.
D. Select File>Application>New, choose the test server as the template server, and give the application "sales.ntf" as a file name.
Logan has a servlet that he wants to deploy as part of his Lotus Domino-based Web application. What does he need to do to accomplish this task?
A. Deploy the server to a J2EE application server.
B. Enable servlet support for the Lotus Domino server by modifying the Java Servlet Support section of the server document.
C. Create a Web configuration settings document and change the Configuration Type to "Servlet Support".
D. Lotus Domino does not support the use of servlets.
Which one of the following can Monique include in a workflow application to allow users to manually forward documents to others?
A. An action containing @DocForward
B. An action containing @MailSend([Forward])
C. An action containing @Command([MailForward])
D. An action containing @MailSend, and a Forward To Field