Which action within the Document Manager allows the user to upload multiple documents?
A. New Document
B. Upload Multiple
C. Toggle MultiFile
D. Upload Documents
An incorrect data load resulted in several objects not getting set up correctly, and a workflow is written that will correct the errors.
Which helper should be used to trigger the workflow?
A. Patch Helper
B. Workflow Helper
C. Notification Helper
D. Calculation Helper
When creating a Smart Section, which parameter allows the end user to edit field data being displayed?
A. Live Link
B. Reference Only
C. Reference with Modify
D. Reference Only with Live Link
A business object has multiple forms, and on one of them a locator field needs to be set to Required. Which tool is used to accomplish this?
A. Form Builder
B. Data Modeler
C. Data Integrator
D. Workflow Builder
Which statement is true about the State Transition Family when adding a new business object (BO) to a module, and this new BO is not the base BO?
A. The BO automatically starts out with a blank state transition family.
B. The BO automatically starts out with a copy of the base BO's state transition family.
C. The BO automatically starts out with a copy of the state transition family from the BO that was modified last.
D. The BO automatically starts out with a copy of the state transition from the BO that was modified last that is within the same module.
What must a user do to publish a business object (BO) following the creation of a module, BO, and fields for the BO?
A. create a form
B. create an association
C. define a publish name
D. set the control number
A change has been made to a business object and form state family and they have been published. The change is not being seen. What should be done?
A. Reboot the server.
B. Reboot the workstation.
C. Log out of the system and log back in.
D. Flush the state data cache in the Administration Console.
Which tool is used to create a module?
A. Form Builder
B. Data Modeler
C. Portal Builder
D. Report Manager
When creating a new business object (BO), selecting the Show Single Tab option will cause what condition to be true?
A. Records created from this BO will be displayed on forms that only show a single tab.
B. Records created from this BO will be displayed by themselves in new tabs on existing forms.
C. Records created from this BO will be displayed by themselves in separate tabs on new forms.
D. Records created from this BO will be displayed on a new form, which is automatically generated for the BO.
After publishing a business object, which file should be reviewed for possible errors and/or warnings during the publishing process?
A. error.log
B. server.log
C. security.log
D. systemTests.log