A vector in vector calculus is a quantity that has magnitude and direction.
What is a vector in computer programming?
A. An array with one dimension.
B. A two-dimensional array of scalars.
C. An array of complex numbers
D. A constant
How could machine learning make a robot autonomous?
A. Use OCR, optical character recognition, to read documents
B. Use NLP (Natural Language Processing) to listen
C. Use actuators to modify its environment
D. Learn from sensor data and plan to carry out a task.
Para View allows large data sets to be visualised on a parallel computer.
Which of the following is one of the techniques used?
A. Norm calculation.
B. Dashboard.
C. Contour plot
D. Eigen function analysis.
Professor David Chalmers described consciousness as having two questions. What were these?
A. An easy one and a hard one.
B. What is the sub conscious and what is the conscious?
C. Can we integrate our knowledge to form consciousness and can we simulate consciousness?
D. Are only humans conscious and are machines always unconscious?
What is defined as a philosophy, or set of assumptions and/or techniques, which characterise an approach to a class of problems?
A. An approach.
B. A set
C. A paradigm.
D. An algorithm.
Healthcare can benefit from Al, and in particular Machine Learning, an example of which is?
A. Autonomous wheelchairs.
B. Automated blood sampling.
C. Autonomous vehicles.
D. Diagnostic image analysis
Who was the pioneer of computer programming?
A. Dame Wendy Hall.
B. Karen Spark Jones.
C. Ada Lovelace.
D. Sophie Wilson
What is an intelligent robot?
A. A robot that has consciousness
B. A robot that acts like a human.
C. A robot that uses Al techniques.
D. A robot that takes the place of a human.
What term do computer scientists and economists use to describe how happy an agent is?
A. Index.
B. Warm.
C. Return
D. Utility.
Ensemble learning methods do what with the hypothesis space?
A. Select a combination of hypothesis to combine their predictions
B. Use stochastic gradient descent to optimise a network.
C. Extract ergodic solutions.
D. Test multiple hypotheses simultaneously.