You added a grunt autoprefixer command, which adds CSS vendorprefix like 瓀ebkit- and 璵oz- to CSS files generated by the setup:static-connect: deploy command.
After deployment you still see CSS files without prefixes. The hooks section in the .magento. app. Yaml file is:
Considering static assets are being generated on the build phase why are CSS prefixes missing?
A. Custom commands can be run only on the deploy phase
B. CSS vendor prefixes must be added to CSS files locally and committed as part of a theme
C. The static assets were not generated yet when the grunt command ran
D. The custom command was run before static assets were transferred into the init directory
You are migration an existing Magento 2 website to Magento Commerce Cloud. After setting up the project you would like to migrate the database to the integration branch. The database import fails with a disk space error.
How do you migrate the database data loss?
A. Configuration the mysql disk size using a variable in the , magento,evn,yaml file
B. Open a Magento Support ticket to increasethe Integration branch disk size
C. Trim down the database to a smaller size
D. Configure the mysql disk Size in the .magento/services.yaml file
You added the env:ADMIN_PASSWORD variable in the Project Web Ul to change a Magento admin user's password After deployment you are unable to login using the new password.
What causes this?
A. When you add a variable. the build stage is being skipped because the codebase has not been changed You must push a commit to trigger a full deploy
B. Deploy scripts read configuration from the environment variablecalled magento_cloud_variables. which contains an array of variables which were set without the env: prefix
C. Variables which are set using the Project Web Ul are not available on the build phase the admin password variable should be set in the . magento.env. yaml file
D. The sensitive option is required for env:ADMIN PASSWORD variable
You are reviewing a third party extension for Magento Commerce Cloud compatibility.
You discover the module writes to a custom directory called internal/ within the Magento base directory.
The directory has to be shared by all web servers.
What do you do so the module can be used on Magento Commerce Cloud?
A. Create a symlink from /top/internal to the internal/ folder
B. Declare a shared mount for the internal/directory in .magento. app.yaml
C. Request the vendor make the directory configurable in the Magento admin
D. Add a patch for extension so it uses the subdirectory var/internal/ instead
Your project is in a phase where the locales that will be used are still being determined. You need toconfigure your project in a manner that will allow them to be changed dynamically.
How can you accomplish this?
A. Remove the system/default/general/locale configuration from the app/etc/config.php file
B. Configure SCD_ON_DEMAND to true in the .magento.env.yaml file
C. Run the command vendor/bin/ece-tools locales:unlock on the environment
D. Configure DYNAMIC_LOCALES in the SCD_MATRIX to true in the . magento. env. yarn! file
On a project that deploys static content during the build phase a merchant states the deploy phase Is still taking too long You consider turning oft JavaScript minification to reduce the build time.
Besides reducing the build phase time what two consequences does turning off JavaScript minification have? Choose 2 answers
A. The deploy artifact size will be decreased because of the larger JavaScript can be symlinked
B. Browsing the store will be slower because larger JavaScript files have tobe downloaded
C. The deploy phase will be shorter because JavaScript can be symlinked from init instead of copied
D. The build phase will be longer because the additional pass of JavaScript merging
Your company decided too move a Magento store to a subdomain https://shop.coinpany.ccm/ and redirect traffic from the old URL httpa:// to the new one. Your company is usingthe Starter plan.
How do you implement the redirect?
A. Configure a rewrite rule In the . htaccess file In the pub folder
B. Submit a support ticket to add the redirect on the web-server level
C. Add a route using the MANGENTO_CLOUD_ROUTES environment variable.
D. Add a route Into the .magento/routes, yaml configuration file
You upgraded an integration branch in your Magento Commerce Cloud project, but received an error during the deploy phase.
What are the two ways toreview details about the deployment? Choose 2 answers
A. View the logs in the var/reports/ directory on the remote server
B. View the exception.log file in the var/log/ directory
C. View the depioy.log file in the /var/log/ directory
D. View thecloud.log file in the var/log/ directory
In a Pro plan project, you notice there is amail delivery problem in the Integration environment. How do you troubleshoot this?
A. Change the log level in the lcg:emall section of the .magento.env.yaml file
B. Update the SPF record in the DNS
C. Look In the var/log directory for the mail. log file
D. Move the test to the Staging environment
You need to get code with a backend order placement security related fix into production as quickly as possible.
The project currently deploys static content during the build phase with both stags/global/SKIP_SCD and stage/deploy/STATIC_STATIC_CONTENT_SYMLINK set to false.
What setting in.magento,env,yaml minimizes the overall deployment time?
A. Remove all themes from stages/global/SCD_MATRIX so they will not be generated
B. Set stage/global/Static_CONTENT_SYMLINK to true to symlink static assets to the init directory
C. Set stage/global/SCD_COMPRESSION_LEVEL to 0 to avoid the compression overhead
D. Set stage/global/SKIP_SCD to true to completely avoid static content processing