A 35-year-old female has cancer in her left breast. The surgeon performs a mastectomy, removing the breast tissue, skin, pectoral muscles, and surrounding tissue, including the axillary and internal mammary lymph nodes.
Which mastectomy code is reported?
A. 19303
B. 19305
C. 19306
D. 19307
The procedure is performed at an outpatient radiology department. From a left femoral access, the catheter is placed in the abdominal aorta and is then selectively placed in the celiac trunk and manipulated up into the common hepatic artery for an abdominal angiography. Dye is injected, and imaging is obtained. The provider performs the supervision and interpretation.
What CPT?codes are reported?
A. 36246, 75716-26
B. 36246, 75726-26
C. 36246, 75635-26
D. 36246, 75741-26
Which statement regarding lesion excision is TRUE?
A. Lesion excision codes include removal of a lesion, with margins, and simple (nonlayered) closure when performed
B. Lesion excision codes are selected by measuring the greatest clinical diameter of a lesion excluding the margins required to complete the excision
C. Lesion excision codes include removal of a lesion, with margins, and intermediate closure when performed
D. Lesion excision codes include removal of a lesion with margins, and complex closure when performed
A 65-year-old gentleman presents for refill of medications and follow-up for his chronic conditions. The patient indicates good medicine compliance. No new symptoms or complaints.
Appropriate history and exam are obtained. Labs that were ordered from previous visit were reviewed and discussed with patient. The following are the diagnoses and treatment:
Hypokalemia - stable. Refill Potassium 20 MEQ
Hypertension - blood pressure remaining stable. Patient states home readings have been in line with goals. Refill prescription Lisinopril.
Esophageal Reflux - Patient denies any new symptoms. Stable condition. Continue taking over the counter Prevacid oral capsules, 1 every day.
Patient is instructed to follow up in 3 months. Labs will be obtained prior to visit.
What CPT?code is reported?
A. 99212
B. 99396
C. 99397
D. 99214
A patient suffers a ruptured infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm requiring emergent endovascular repair. An aorto-aortic tube endograft is positioned in the aorta and a balloon dilation is performed at the proximal and distal seal zones of the endograft. The balloon angioplasty is performed for endoleak treatment.
What CPT?code does the vascular surgeon use to report the procedure?
A. 34702
B. 34701
C. 34707
D. 34708
View MR 001394 MR 001394 Operative Report Procedure: Excision of 11 cm back lesion with rotation flap repair. Preoperative Diagnosis: Basal cell carcinoma Postoperative Diagnosis: Same Anesthesia: 1% Xylocaine solution with epinephrine warmed and buffered and injected slowly through a 30-gauge needle for the patient's comfort. Location: Back Size of Excision: 11 cm Estimated Blood Loss: Minimal Complications: None Specimen: Sent to the lab in saline for frozen section margin control. Procedure: The patient was taken to our surgical suite, placed in a comfortable position, prepped and draped, and locally anesthetized in the usual sterile fashion. A #15 scalpel blade was used to excise the basal cell carcinoma plus a margin
of normal skin in a circular fashion in the natural relaxed skin tension lines as much as possible The lesion was removed full thickness including epidermis, dermis, and partial thickness subcutaneous tissues. The wound was then spot electro
desiccated for hemorrhage control. The specimen was sent to the lab on saline for frozen section.
Rotation flap repair of defect created by foil thickness frozen section excision of basal cell carcinoma of the back. We were able to devise a 12 sq cm flap and advance it using rotation flap closure technique. This will prevent infection,
dehiscence, and help reconstruct the area to approximate the situation as it was prior to surgical excision diminishing the risk of significant pain and distortion of the anatomy in the area. This was advanced medially to close the defect with 5 0
Vicryl and 6-0 Prolene stitches.
What CPT?coding is reported for this case?
A. 14001
B. 15271
C. 14001, 11606-51, 12034-51
D. 14001, 11606-51
A 4-year-old has third-degree, circumferential burns to his torso. To avoid respiratory compression an escharotomy is performed. A total of four incisions are made through the eschar down to the subcutaneous fat to release the restrictive effects from the eschar.
What CPT?coding should you report?
A. 16035, 16036-51
B. 16030
C. 16035 x 4
D. 16035, 16036 x 3
An orthopedic surgeon performs tenolysis releasing the extensor tendon of the finger from adhesions. The surgery extends from the finger to the forearm.
What CPT?code is reported?
A. 26445
B. 26449
C. 26455
D. 26460
A patient has a malfunctioning ventricular electrode. The operative report reflects that the cardiologist made an incision into the subclavicular pocket, which housed a single chamber pacemaker. He detached the malfunctioning ventricular electrode, removed it from the patient, and made the decision to have a thoracic surgeon implant an epicardial lead later in the day (no new hardware was implanted). He then closed the skin pocket with multiple layers of suture.
Which CPT?code is reported for the cardiologist's service?
A. 33234
B. 33249
C. 33235
D. 33236
A Medicare patient in a partial hospitalization program received occupational therapy services from a qualified occupational therapist. What is the HCPCS Level II code for this service?
A. G0128
B. G0153
C. G0152
D. G0129