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A00-215 Online Practice Questions and Answers

Questions 4

Which statement is true regarding the XLSX engine in the LIBNAME statement?

A. The individual worksheets are automatically concatenated when reading a Microsoft Excel workbook.

B. The XLSX engine can road and write data in Microsoft Excel workbooks.

C. The XLSX engine can road Microsoft workbooks with both XLSX and XLS extensions

D. The XLSX extension in the Microsoft Excel workbook name is optional in the LIBNAME statement

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Questions 5

Which LABEL statement has correct syncytax?

A. Label1 FName=' First Name' ; LName =; Last Name` ;

B. Label1 FName=' First Name' LName =' Last Name` ;

C. Label1 FName=' First Name' and LName =' Last Name` ;

D. Label1 FName=' First Name' , LName =; Last Name` ;

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Questions 6

Which PROC MEANS statements specifies variables to group the data before calculating statistics?





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Questions 7

Given the report shown below:

Which PROC PREQ step creates the frequency report?

A. proc freq data= cars;

tables make drivetrain;


B. proc freq data= cars; tables make *drivetrain; run;

C. proc freq data- cars; tables drivetrain make; run;

D. proc freq data- cars; tables drivetrain* make; run;

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Questions 8

The following program is summited:

The following report is created:

However, the desired report is shown below:

What change is needed to display the desired formatted values for the Answer varia

A. Change the unformatted values on the VALUE statement to upper case letters

B. Remove the comma located on the VALUE statement

C. Add a period to the end of the format name on the VALUE statement.

D. Remove the dollar sign located at the front of the format name

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Questions 9

What is the default sort order of PROC SORT?

A. Internal

B. Ascending

C. Formatted

D. Descending

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Questions 10

Given the input data set INVENTORY as shown below:

Two output data sets are desired, CHIPS and OTHERSNACKS.


The CHIPS data set should only include QtySold, Price, and Product.


The OTHERSNACKS data set should include QtySold, Price, product, and Type. Which Data step creates the two desired output data sets


data chips othersnacks; set: inventory; if Type="chips" then do; keep QtySold Price Product; output chips; end; else output othersnacks; run;


data chips ( keep=QtySold Price Product) othersnacks; set inventory; if Type="chipa" then output chips; else output otharsnacks; run;


data chips otharsnacks; set inventory; if Type="chips" then output chips else output otharsnacks; keep QtySold Price Product; run;


data chips othersnack" set inventory (keep=QtySold Price Product); if Typo~"chips" then output chips; else output othersnacks; run;

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Questions 11

Given the data sets AMERICIAN NATIONAL and results in the data set BASEBALL shown below: AMERICAN



Which DATA step correctly creates the BASEBALL data set?

A. data baseball; set american (rename=(Team=TeamName)) national; run;

B. data baseball; set american national; run;

C. data baseball; set American (rename=(TeamName=Team)) national; run;

D. data baseball; set national American; run;

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Questions 12

Given the program shown below:

Given the partial PROC PRINT report below:

Why are the labels for msbp, MPG_city, and MPG_Highway NOT displaying in the PROC PRINT report^

A. You must use the LABEL option on the PROC PRINT statement

B. You must put the LABEL statement in the PROC PRINT step

C. You must put the LABEL statement after the KEEP statement In the DATA stop

D. You must use a single LABEL statement for each variable.

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Questions 13

Given the PROC PRINT report of the INVEST data set shown below:

How many observations are in the FORCAST data set after this program executes?

A. 30

B. 10

C. 0

D. 20

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Exam Code: A00-215
Exam Name: SAS 9.4 Programming Fundamentals
Last Update: Feb 27, 2025
Questions: 60
10%OFF Coupon Code: SAVE10





