What is the primary purpose of utility substations?
A. monitor the reliable and efficient delivery of power into the distribution grid
B. FLISR: fault isolation, recovery, and service restoration
C. Volt-VAR reactive power control
D. provide physical security for the grid
Which valuable resources has Cisco created for each of the focus industries?
A. CRD - Cisco Reference Design
B. DVD - Digital Validated Design
C. DAD - Digital Acceleration Design
D. CVD - Cisco Validated Design
Which Industrial Routing device is purpose-built for remote and mobile deployments such as first responders and mass transit vehicles?
A. IG30R
B. IR1800
C. IR7200
D. IR8100
What are the main use cases that connected roadways and intersections enable?
A. connecting both serial and ethernet field devices, and remote and mobile asset connectivity
B. connectivity for traffic signal controller, video surveillance, and digital signage
C. public safety fleet monitoring, and predictive maintenance for rail
D. alternate routing of vehicles, and counting the number of passengers on public transportation
Which types of devices are able to be connected in an Extended Enterprise solution?
A. Data centers, desk phone
B. Webex, sensors
C. IP cameras, sorters
D. Smart meters, actuators
Where are Utilities currently focused?
A. reduce OpEx, grid modernization, renewables, safety and security
B. maintain grid reliability, air gap grid connectivity, move OpEx to CapEx
C. clean coal, leverage existing assets, connected vehicle
D. reduce power coverage, Smart appliances, electric vehicle
What are the key products in the connected factory use cases?
A. Catalyst IE 3800, Catalyst 9000, IR829
B. IE Switches, Cyber Vision, Industrial Network Director
C. IW6300, AP1572, MR210
D. CGR2010, CGR1240, IR510
What are the focal points for Oil and Gas opportunities?
A. gas station automation and fixing corroded pipelines
B. automation of back-office processes
C. ensure Oil and Gas exploration and midstream are connected
D. improve operations, leverage data and insights, and pervasive security
How will Roadway solutions typically start?
A. secure multi-service infrastructure
B. best in breed solutions
C. resilient industrial security
What is the primary value proposition of Cisco Cyber Vision?
A. securely run authenticated loT applications at the edge on Cisco's IOx-hosted infrastructure
B. embedded small form factor solves size, weight, and power challenges
C. manage operations of the network of geographically distributed assets
D. discover industrial assets, protocols, and communication patterns to provide operational insights