What is the system stored procedure used to display metadata cache usage statistics?
A. sp_configure
B. sp_helpconfig
C. sp_cacheconfig
D. sp_monitorconfig
Which of the following commands allow you to specify the partition? (Choose 3)
A. bcp in
B. insert
C. reorg rebuild tablename
D. truncate table
E. update statistics
Where does ASE gather aggregated historical query information in a persistent catalog?
A. sysgams
B. syslogs
C. sysquerymetrics
D. sysqueryplans
Which of the following environment variables are required for ASE 15 to operate properly? (Choose 2)
An expression used in a function based index MUST contain
A. a base column.
B. an aggregate function.
C. a computed column.
D. a search argument.
E. asubquery.
Which of the following statements is NOT true about automatic database expansion?
A. Automatic database expansion is turned off by default.
B. Database expansion thresholds are set per segment.
C. Automatic database expansion is managed by the stored proceduresp_helpdB.
D. Growby and maxsize policies can be set for database devices and database segments.
Executing the commands below will result in which of the following? sp_addsegmentseg_data1, MINE, mydisk1 sp_addsegment seg_index1, MINE, mydisk2create table authors (au_id) on seg_data1 create clustered index au_idx on authors(au_id)
A. table authors and indexau_idx on seg_data1
B. table authors and indexau_idx on default segment
C. table authors on seg_data1 and indexau_idx on default segment
D. table authors on seg_data1 and indexau_idx on seg_index1X
Which of the following must be TRUE to allow for up to the minute recovery? (Choose 3)
A. Data and log must be on separate devices.
B. The log device must beavailablE.
C. The data device must beavailablE.
D. The log device must bemirroreD.
E. The master database must beavailablE.
Which of the following are true about user defined caches? (Choose 2)
A. they can be added without restarting ASE
B. they can be deleted if there are objects bound to them
C. they can be deleted without restarting ASE
D. they cannot be deleted once created
E. no objects can be bound to them
Which isolation level does select with "noholdlock" statement enforces?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3