Which of the following components refers to a node in the network that routes the traffic from a workstation to external command and control server and helps in identification of installed malware in the network?
A. Repeater
B. Gateway
C. Hub
D. Network interface card (NIC)
Moses, a threat intelligence analyst at InfoTec Inc., wants to find crucial information about the potential threats the organization is facing by using advanced Google search operators. He wants to identify whether any fake websites are hosted at the similar to the organization's URL.
Which of the following Google search queries should Moses use?
A. related: www.infothech.org
B. info: www.infothech.org
C. link: www.infothech.org
D. cache: www.infothech.org
What is the correct sequence of steps involved in scheduling a threat intelligence program?
Review the project charter
Identify all deliverables
Identify the sequence of activities
Identify task dependencies
Develop the final schedule
Estimate duration of each activity
Identify and estimate resources for all activities
Define all activities
Build a work breakdown structure (WBS)
A. 1-->9-->2-->8-->3-->7-->4-->6-->5
B. 3-->4-->5-->2-->1-->9-->8-->7-->6
C. 1-->2-->3-->4-->5-->6-->9-->8-->7
D. 1-->2-->3-->4-->5-->6-->7-->8-->9
Which of the following types of threat attribution deals with the identification of the specific person, society, or a country sponsoring a well-planned and executed intrusion or attack over its target?
A. Nation-state attribution
B. True attribution
C. Campaign attribution
D. Intrusion-set attribution
Steve works as an analyst in a UK-based firm. He was asked to perform network monitoring to find any evidence of compromise. During the network monitoring, he came to know that there are multiple logins from different locations in a short time span. Moreover, he also observed certain irregular log in patterns from locations where the organization does not have business relations. This resembles that somebody is trying to steal confidential information.
Which of the following key indicators of compromise does this scenario present?
A. Unusual outbound network traffic
B. Unexpected patching of systems
C. Unusual activity through privileged user account
D. Geographical anomalies
Sam works as an analyst in an organization named InfoTech Security. He was asked to collect information from various threat intelligence sources. In meeting the deadline, he forgot to verify the threat intelligence sources and used data from an open-source data provider, who offered it at a very low cost. Through it was beneficial at the initial stage but relying on such data providers can produce unreliable data and noise putting the organization network into risk.
What mistake Sam did that led to this situation?
A. Sam used unreliable intelligence sources.
B. Sam used data without context.
C. Sam did not use the proper standardization formats for representing threat data.
D. Sam did not use the proper technology to use or consume the information.
In which of the following forms of bulk data collection are large amounts of data first collected from multiple sources in multiple formats and then processed to achieve threat intelligence?
A. Structured form
B. Hybrid form
C. Production form
D. Unstructured form
Walter and Sons Company has faced major cyber attacks and lost confidential data. The company has decided to concentrate more on the security rather than other resources. Therefore, they hired Alice, a threat analyst, to perform data analysis. Alice was asked to perform qualitative data analysis to extract useful information from collected bulk data.
Which of the following techniques will help Alice to perform qualitative data analysis?
A. Regression analysis, variance analysis, and so on
B. Numerical calculations, statistical modeling, measurement, research, and so on.
C. Brainstorming, interviewing, SWOT analysis, Delphi technique, and so on
D. Finding links between data and discover threat-related information
Bob, a threat analyst, works in an organization named TechTop. He was asked to collect intelligence to fulfil the needs and requirements of the Red Tam present within the organization. Which of the following are the needs of a RedTeam?
A. Intelligence related to increased attacks targeting a particular software or operating system vulnerability
B. Intelligence on latest vulnerabilities, threat actors, and their tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs)
C. Intelligence extracted latest attacks analysis on similar organizations, which includes details about latest threats and TTPs
D. Intelligence that reveals risks related to various strategic business decisions
In a team of threat analysts, two individuals were competing over projecting their own hypotheses on a given malware. However, to find logical proofs to confirm their hypotheses, the threat intelligence manager used a de-biasing strategy that involves learning strategic decision making in the circumstances comprising multistep interactions with numerous representatives, either having or without any perfect relevant information.
Which of the following de-biasing strategies the threat intelligence manager used to confirm their hypotheses?
A. Game theory
B. Machine learning
C. Decision theory
D. Cognitive psychology