Vendor: VMware
Certifications: VMware Certifications
Exam Code: 2V0-71.23
Exam Name: VMware Tanzu for Kubernetes Operations Professional
Updated: Feb 14, 2025
Q&As: 63 ( View Details)
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Which command has a valid syntax for scaling VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid cluster using Tanzu CLI?
A. tanzu cluster scale
B. tanzu cluster scale
C. tanzu scale
D. tanzu scale
Correct Answer: B
The command that has a valid syntax for scaling VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid cluster using Tanzu CLI is tanzu cluster scale
Which statement describes Harbor?
A. Harbor requires that all images are pulledfrom GitHub and is used for image validation and verification.
B. Harbor formerly known as Bitnami, is an image catalog used for downloading verified open source packages.
C. Harbor is an open source registry that secures artifacts with policies and role-based access control, ensures images are scanned and free from vulnerabilities, and signs images as trusted.
D. Harbor is an image scanner used to verify that images are free from known vulnerabilities and patches as necessary.
Correct Answer: C
The statement that describes Harbor accurately is that Harbor is an open source registry that secures artifacts with policies and role-based access control, ensures images are scanned and free from vulnerabilities, and signs images as trusted. Harbor is a cloud native repository for Kubernetes that provides features such as image management, vulnerability scanning, content signing, access control, replication, and quota management3. Harbor is a graduated project of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) and is integrated with VMware Tanzu products and services4. References: Harbor, Harbor - CNCF
Which method describes how Kubernetes clusters are upgraded?
A. Use rolling upgrade
B. In-place upgrade of each node
C. Use canary upgrade
D. Deploy a new cluster with upgraded Kubernetes release
Correct Answer: A
A rolling upgrade is a method of upgrading a Kubernetes cluster without downtime by gradually replacing nodes or components with newer versions. A rolling upgrade ensures that there is no disruption to the availability and functionality of the cluster during the upgrade process. A rolling upgrade can be performed manually or using tools such as kubeadm or kops5. The other options are incorrect because: In-place upgrade of each node is a method of upgrading a Kubernetes cluster by stopping each node or component and updating it to the newer version. This method can cause downtime and disruption to the cluster during the upgrade process. Use canary upgrade is not a valid method of upgrading a Kubernetes cluster. A canary upgrade is a technique for deploying new versions of applications or services by gradually exposing them to a subset of users or traffic before rolling them out to everyone6. It is not applicable to cluster upgrades. Deploy a new cluster with upgraded Kubernetes release is not a method of upgrading a Kubernetes cluster, but rather creating a new one. This method canbe costly and time-consuming, as it requires migrating all the resources and configurations from the old cluster to the new one. References: Upgrade A Cluster, Canary deployments
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