Which two are valid settings for FailoverPolicy? (Select two.)
A. Priority
B. RoundRobin
C. Order
D. Failover
E. Dynamic
GAB can be configured to automatically seed the cluster through I/O fencing, even when some cluster
nodes are unavailable.
In which file does the autoseed_gab_timeout parameter need to be configured to enable this feature?
A. gabtab
B. main.cf
C. vxfenmode
D. vxfentab
What are two major functions of Low Latency Transport (LLT)? (Select two.)
A. Cluster communications
B. Traffic distribution
C. Cluster membership
D. Heartbeating
E. Broadcast message
Which procedure must be followed to remove the resource type TypeA from an active VCS cluster?
A. Remove all resources of TypeA, remove TypeA, and remove TypeA packages
B. Remove TypeA, then execute the hatype esync command
C. Stop VCS, remove all resources of TypeA, and start VCS
D. Execute the hatype -remove command which will remove all the resources
Cluster systems are using a NIC teaming method. Both nic1 and nic2 have been used to create the virtual network interface named nic. The NIC resource is using the teamed nic device. If nic1 is the currently active interface, what is the effect on the NIC resource if nic1 fails?
A. You must use the MultiNIC resource for this configuration.
B. The operating system fails over the IP addresses from nic1 to nic2.
C. The NIC resource will fault causing the service group to fail over.
D. The NIC resource moves the IP addresses from nic1 to nic2.
A cluster system had hardware upgrades performed. Upon reboot, it does not join the cluster. What should
you verify? (Choose two.)
A. LLT ports have IP addresses.
B. LLT links are connected.
C. Hardware is identical.
D. LLT and GAB are both running.
E. The cluster ID is unique on all systems.
What is the maximum number of levels a group dependency tree can have?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
Before attempting to verify the operation of LLT, GAB, or the cluster, the following steps are taken:
Log in to any node in the cluster as superuser. Place the VCS command directory in your PATH variable: # export PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/opt/VRTS/bin:/opt/VRTSvcs/bin
Which command is invalid for configuration verification?
A. haconf -display
B. hastatus -summary
C. lltstat -nvv
D. gabconfig -a
Which two components are installed when the installvcs script is executed? (Select two.)
A. bundled agents
B. VxVM agents
C. Cluster File System
D. GAB driver
E. Cluster Volume Manager
Which two actions must be taken to upgrade NetBackup in a service group under Veritas Cluster Server control? (Select two.)
A. verify that the NetBackup agent supports the new version
B. verify that the new NetBackup version is supported with haagent -verify
C. freeze the NetBackup service group
D. freeze the NetBackup resources
E. stop the NetBackup agent on all systems