The reverse process from encoding - converting the encoded message back into its plaintext format.
A. Substitution
B. Whitening
C. Encoding
D. Decoding
A non-secret binary vector used as the initializing input algorithm for encryption of a plaintext block sequence to increase security by introducing additional cryptographic variance.
B. Salt
D. Nonce
Frank is trying to break into an encrypted file... He is attempting all the possible keys that could be used for this algorithm. Attempting to crack encryption by simply trying as many randomly generated keys as possible is referred to as what?
A. Rainbow table
B. Frequency analysis
C. Brute force
D. Kasiski
Which one of the following best describes a process that splits the block of plaintext into two separate blocks, then applies the round function to one half, and finally swaps the two halves?
A. Block ciphers
B. Symmetric cryptography
C. Feistel cipher
D. Substitution cipher
Software for maintaining an on-the-fly-encrypted volume. Data is automatically encrypted right before it is saved, then decrypted right after it is loaded, all w/o user intervention.
C. Cryptool
D. VeraCrypt
Collision resistance is an important property for any hashing algorithm. Joan wants to find a cryptographic hash that has strong collision resistance. Which one of the following is the most collisionresistant?
B. MD5
C. MD4
A _________ is a digital representation of information that identifies you as a relevant entity by a trusted third party.
A. Digital Signature
B. Hash
C. Ownership stamp
D. Digest
A transposition cipher invented 1918 by Fritz Nebel, used a 36 letter alphabet and a modified Polybius square with a single columnar transposition.
A. ADFVGX Cipher
B. ROT13 Cipher
C. Book Ciphers
D. Cipher Disk
You are studying classic ciphers. You have been examining the difference between single substitution and multi-substitution. Which one of the following is an example of a multi- alphabet cipher?
A. Rot13
B. Caesar
C. Atbash
D. Vigenere
What is the name of the attack where the attacker obtains the ciphertexts corresponding to a set of plaintexts of his own choosing?
A. Chosen plaintext
B. Differential cryptanalysis
C. Known-plaintext attack
D. Kasiski examination