Pass4itsure > Zend-Technologies > Zend > 200-710 > 200-710 Online Practice Questions and Answers

200-710 Online Practice Questions and Answers

Questions 4


Please provide the name of the super-global variable where all the information about cookies is available.

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Questions 5

When tracking upload progress with sessions, the values of 2 INI settings are needed to determine the key in $_SESSION of the upload progress data. What are the INI settings? (Choose 2)

A. session.upload_progress.file

B. session.upload_progress.key

C. session.upload_progress.prefix

D. session.upload_progress.freq


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Questions 6

Given a PHP value, which sample shows how to convert the value to JSON?

A. $string = json_encode($value);

B. $string = Json::encode($value);

C. $json = new Json($value); $string = $json->__toString();

D. $value = (object) $value; $string = $value->__toJson();

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Questions 7

What is the difference between "print" and "echo"?

A. There is no difference.

B. Print has a return value, echo does not

C. Echo has a return value, print does not

D. Print buffers the output, while echo does not

E. None of the above

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Questions 8

What is the return value of the following code?

strpos("me myself and I", "m", 2)

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 0

E. 1

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Questions 9

Which of the following expressions will evaluate to a random value from an array below? $array = array("Sue","Mary","John","Anna");

A. array_rand($array);

B. array_rand($array, 1);

C. shuffle($array);

D. $array[array_rand($array)];

E. array_values($array, ARRAY_RANDOM);

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Questions 10

What is the difference between the spaceship operator (<=>) and the strcmp() function?

A. There is no difference in functionality

B. strcmp() returns a Boolean value, the spaceship operator a number

C. strcmp() does a case-intensive comparison, the spaceship operator does not

D. The spaceship operator returns -1, 0 or 1; strcmp() may return any integer

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Questions 11

Which parts of the text are matched in the following regular expression?

$text = <<

The big bang bonged under the bung.


preg_match_all('@b.n?g@', $text, $matches);

A. bang bong bung

B. bang bonged bung

C. big bang bong bung

D. big bang bung

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Questions 12

Which of these statements about PDO is NOT true?

A. PDO has built-in support for Large Objects (LOBs).

B. Placeholders within PDO prepared statements need to be named.

C. When something goes wrong, PDO can throw an instance of its own exception class.

D. PDO does not emulate missing database features.

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Questions 13

Which of the following will NOT instantiate a DateTime object with the current timestamp?

A. $date = new DateTime();

B. $date = new DateTime('@' . time());

C. $date = new DateTime('now');

D. $date = new DateTime(time());

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Exam Code: 200-710
Exam Name: Zend Certified Engineer
Last Update: Jun 26, 2024
Questions: 233
10%OFF Coupon Code: SAVE10





