Your client wishes to restrict the terms that can be seen by students when they search for classes in Class Search. How can this be accomplished?
A. By adjusting the enrollment visibility dates on the Term/Session table
B. By making date visibility changes to the student permission list
C. By adjusting the class search dates on the Term Values table
D. By inactivating classes in terms that you do not wish to show students
E. By inactivating courses in terms that you do not wish to show students
Your client is considering using Quick Admit to admit students in non-traditional programs. Which two statements describe the impacts of Quick Admit?
A. After Quick Admit is completed, students are automatically activated in the program, bypassing the matriculation process.
B. Students must still be matriculated into a career and program following Quick Admit.
C. Users will not be able to use Quick Admit again to add additional program activation rows in the same career.
D. The program is activated through Quick Admit, but the user must still enter an Academic Plan on the Student Program/Plan page.
E. The Program/Plan stack will be activated through Quick Admit, but the student must still be term activated
At which level in the Academic Structure is the type of degree identified?
A. Career
B. Program
C. Plan
D. Subplan
E. Academic Organization
Which action should you take to ensure that a student is reported as ''Full Time" to the National Student Clearinghouse if the student is currently on a Study Abroad program and is not enrolled in classes for the term?
A. Assign the student a positive service indicator, indicating the student as full time.
B. On the Term Activation page, set the student's form of study to Study Abroad and set the student to a status of Full Time.
C. Make a modification to the National Student Clearinghouse report function to report students in this situation as full time.
D. Assign a milestone to the student, specifying a Full Time status.
E. Assign the student to a Student Group, specifying a Full Time status, and report by using this Student Group.
A student requests an official transcript in Self Service. What action must take place in order to generate and print the transcript?
A. An administrative user must generate and print the existing transcript request either through Request Transcript Report or the Process Transcript component.
B. The student can generate and print the transcript after the request has completed successfully.
C. An administrative user must generate the request and the request will be completed in Self Service for the student to print.
D. The student request process requests and generates the transcript, but it must be printed administratively.
E. The administrative user is notified through the student request process and the administrative user must then request, generate, and print the transcript.
Which option reflects how service indicators are placed on organizations as opposed to people?
A. Service indicators placed on people can only be positive, with no impact.
B. Positive and negative service indicators can be placed both on people and organizations.
C. Service indicators placed on organizations can only be positive, with no impact.
D. Service indicators placed on people can only be negative.
E. Service indicators placed on organizations can only be negative.
Your client has created a new course in the Course Catalog but cannot retrieve this course in the Browse functionality or in the Schedule of Classes. Which two steps should you first perform in order to troubleshoot this issue?
A. Ensure that the effective date in the Course Catalog is a date far enough in the past to be viewed in past-dated tables.
B. Ensure that the effective date in the Schedule of Classes is a date far enough in the past to be viewed in past-dated tables.
C. Ensure that the status of the course is set to Active.
D. Ensure that a user has security access to the appropriate Academic Organization.
E. Ensure that a user has security access to the Campus where the course will be conducted.
What impact does a course corequisite have for a student who is enrolling through Self Service?
A. The student can add one or both courses at any given time in the enrollment time period.
B. The student must enroll in the two courses at the same time, or the student will receive an error and not be enrolled in either class.
C. Corequisites can be set up either to require the student to enroll in the classes simultaneously or to enroll in them separately.
D. Corequisites require students to enroll in the two classes in a specific order that is defined on the Requirement Group page.
E. The student will always need an enrollment permission to enroll in corequisites by using Self Service.
Your client wants to separate and secure access to admissions information by office. Which field should you use to implement this?
B. Admit Term
C. Application Center
D. Recruiter ID
E. Campus
Your client wants to build multi-component sections such that students can select from any built non-graded laboratory sections in a course regardless of the graded lecture that they are enrolled in. How would you achieve this?
A. Make sure that the Associated Class number is the same across all lectures and laboratories.
B. Set the Associated Class number on the lecture to 9999 and increment it on the laboratories by one for each section.
C. Keep the Associated Class number for the lecture sections at the default value and set the Associated Class number for the laboratory sections to 9999.
D. Build the sections as separate graded class sections and have the students enroll in the classes separately.
E. Set up auto-enroll for every lecture section so that students are automatically enrolled in a laboratory section.