Vendor: Oracle
Certifications: Oracle Certifications
Exam Code: 1Z0-151
Exam Name: Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g: Build Applications with Oracle Forms
Updated: Mar 20, 2025
Q&As: 90
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To avoid overloading the database during busy times, you decide to restrict the queries that are executed on the Orders form so that users query by either Order ID or Customer ID during these times. Which trigger is most appropriate for the code to enforce this restriction?
A. When-New-Form-instance
B. When-New-Block-instance
C. On-Query
D. Pre-Query E. Post-Query
Correct Answer: D
About controlling queries with Pre-Query and Post-Query triggers
The Pre-Query and Post-Query triggers allow control over query processing. They can be defined at the
form or block level. Most often, attach them to specific blocks to control the query functionality of those
The Pre-Query trigger fires just before Form Builder issues the SELECT statement to the database, after
the operator has defined the example record by entering query criteria in Enter Query mode.
Inside a Pre-Query trigger, the example record defined by the query criteria is the current record. This
means that trigger code can read and set the values of items in the example record using standard
:block_name.item_name syntax.
A Pre-Query trigger can be used to disallow query conditions that might be invalid. When a form is in Enter
Query mode, normal validation is suspended and no validation triggers fire as they do in Normal mode.
The Pre-Query trigger thus allows you to verify that any values entered by the operator are valid query
When invalid query conditions have been entered, you can abort the query by raising the
FORM_TRIGGER_FAILURE built-in exception in the Pre-Query trigger.
You can also call SET_BLOCK_PROPERTY to modify the block's WHERE and ORDER BY clauses from
within the Pre-Query trigger, to further restrict or order the records the query will retrieve.
You put some code in a Post_Update trigger and raise the FORM_TRIGGER_FAILURE under certain conditions. Does a rollback take place if the trigger falls?
A. Yes. Although the update has been applied to the database, the old column values are retained as rollback data; so a failure of this trigger automatically reinstates the original values.
B. No. It is too late to perform a rollback at this stage because the update has already been applied.
C. The value have already been applied, so you must programmatically save the old values in the global variables or PL/SQL variables if you want to reinstall the original values.
Correct Answer: B
The record has already been updated. Note: FORM_FAILURE Returns a value that indicates the outcome of the action most recently performed during the current Runform session.
Use FORM_FAILURE to test the outcome of a builtin to determine further processing within any trigger. To get the correct results, you must perform the test immediately after the action executes. That is, another action should not occur prior to the test.
You have been assigned to maintain a forms application that was designed by a developer who has left the company.
The form uses different property classes to standardize the appearance of objects in the form. For example, all buttons should be of the same width.
The CV_Tools canvas contains several buttons. The Print invoice button is not quite wide enough to display its complete label.
In forms Builder, you open the Button_PC property class and change its Width property to a higher number. All the buttons become larger except the Print invoice button, which remains its original size. What could have caused this problem?
A. The Print invoice button was copied from, rather than subclassed from, the Button_PC property class.
B. The subclass information property for the Print invoice button is blank.
C. The Width property of the Print invoice button is an inherited property.
D. The Width property of the Button_PC property class is a variant property.
E. The X Position of the print invoice button is a variant property.
F. The X Position Property is not included in the Button_PC property
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