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1D0-520 Online Practice Questions and Answers

Questions 4

A college is considering allowing podcasting on its student Web site. What should be done to ensure that the site meets the college's strict accessibility policy?

A. Create an alternative page that does not list the audio files.

B. Require a text-only version of each audio transmission from the site.

C. Create a disclaimer on the page for the audio file format and site visitors who are hard-of-hearing.

D. Convert all transmissions into the Ogg Vorbis format, which is easily accessible using additional audio plug-ins.

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Questions 5

How many fonts are commonly used in Web page design?

A. Two

B. Four

C. Six

D. Eight

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Questions 6

In order to create two simultaneous moving objects, you would need at least:

A. one layer, one timeline and four keyframes.

B. one layer, two timelines and two keyframes.

C. two layers, one timeline and two keyframes.

D. two layers, one timeline and four keyframes.

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Questions 7

XML tags must be written:

A. in lowercase letters only.

B. in uppercase letters only.

C. in both uppercase and lowercase letters.

D. consistently in uppercase or lowercase letters.

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Questions 8

Manuel has been hired by XYZ Corporation to develop a Web site that will display information about the company's products and in-stock quantities to potential customers. The company currently has more than 1,000 products in its catalog. Which approach is best for providing Web site customers with the necessary information?

A. Develop static XHTML pages that display the product information to the customers.

B. Provide a link to a PDF catalog of the company's products that customers can download.

C. Create an XML file of product information and display it using XSLT on one of the site pages.

D. Create a server-side application that queries product data from the company's database and displays it on a Web page.

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Questions 9

George is developing an intranet site for his company. How can he establish consistency for the structure and layout of all the pages, but leave decisions about the content of each page to the individual departments?

A. Use style guides.

B. Use inline frames.

C. Create a site map.

D. Create a site template.

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Questions 10

Which of the following file types does not require a plug-in to be installed in the browser?





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Questions 11

It is often suggested that a Web design team hire a professional editor. What advantage does the contribution of the editor bring to the site design process?

A. The editor brings cultural perspectives to the process.

B. The editor sets the tone, making style guides unnecessary.

C. The editor is responsible for the accuracy of the information.

D. The editor ensures that the site is consistent in tone and content.

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Questions 12

Reba has been hired to design a Web site for a manufacturer of digital pianos. She plans to build a site that uses visual elements and white space to create an attractive, usable source of information for prospective customers. To ensure visual balance and effective usability on the company's home page, Reba decides to place a large picture with a dark background on the right side of the page, and to add a vertical menu of navigational links to the left side. Which of the following best describes the type of visual balance Reba plans to use?

A. Radial

B. Distributed

C. Symmetrical

D. Asymmetrical

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Questions 13

A recent trend in Web content is to allow computer systems to exchange information and share functionality with one another using well-defined protocols and compatible languages.This functionality is referred to as:

A. Web portals.

B. Web farming.

C. Web sharing.

D. Web services.

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Exam Code: 1D0-520
Exam Name: CIW V5 Site Designer
Last Update: Jun 22, 2024
Questions: 140
10%OFF Coupon Code: SAVE10





