What command would you use to view which debugs are set in your current working environment?
A. "env" and "fw ctl debug"
B. "cat /proc/etc"
C. "fw ctl debug all"
D. "export"
When finished running a debug on the Management Server using the command fw debug fwm on how do you turn this debug off?
A. fwm debug off
B. fw ctl debug off
C. fw debug off
D. fw debug fwm off
What command can be used to get the following output?
A. fw ctl kdebug
B. fw monitor e "accept;"
C. fwaccel conns
D. netstat -ni
How does the Check Point Security Administrator enable NAT Templates?
A. Run commands with syntax fw ctl set int cphwd_nat_templates_support 1 and fw ctl set int cphwd_nat_templates_enabled 1.
B. Edit file $FWDIR/boot/modules/fwkern.conf with the lines "cphwd_nat_templates_support=1" and "cphwd_nat_templates_enabled=1".
C. Set Firewall object > NAT > Advanced
D. Set Global properties > NAT-Network address translation
When troubleshooting a performance problem on multicore firewall that is using CoreXL, what command checks the number of connections each core is processing?
A. sim affinity -l
B. cat fwkern.conf
C. fw CTL pstat
D. fw ctl multik stat
Which of these commands can be used to display the IPv6 status?
A. show ipv6-stat
B. show ipv6 all
C. show ipv6 status
D. show ipv6-status
What is the length of an IPv6 address?
A. 128 Bytes
B. 54 bits
C. 128 bits
D. 6 Bytes
Does R77 SmartDashboard support IPv6?
A. Yes provided the operating system on which Smart Dashboard is installed is configured with IPv6.
B. SmartDashboard does not support IPv6.
C. IPv6 needs to be tunneled through IPv4 to support IPv6.
D. R77.20 and above provides the support for Smart Dashboard and IPv6 support.
Jane wants to create a VPN using OSPF. Which VPN configuration would you recommend she use?
A. Site-to-site VPN
B. Domain-based VPN
C. Route-based VPN
D. Remote-access VPN
Where can you configure Wire mode?
A. In Global properties
B. In the gateway object on the "IPSec VPN" > "VPN Advanced" page
C. In sysconfig